Thanks Atmore, you did it again
Published 8:52 pm Wednesday, June 27, 2001
Advance Managing Editor
Several weeks ago, Friends of the Library Board members Sherry Digmon, Fannie Marvin, Bess Maxwell, Mary Grissett, Julie C. Johnson, Joanne Moore, Magaline Marshall and Cathy J. McKinley sent out hundreds of letters throughout the community letting you know the needs of the library.
You took our message to heart and responded with your wonderful, generous gifts with a total of $5,430, which was great! We realize that there are many worthwhile causes seeking your help and donations, but if we all give whether it's a small amount or large, it adds up and what great things can be accomplished to benefit all. Your library is a very unique special place. It welcomes and serves all ages, young and young at heart, all races, and all creeds without distinction.
Your library now provides the Virtual Library to its patrons. You can access these Internet databases from home, school, or business: African-American History and Culture, Alabama Libraries, Career and Technical Education, EBSCOhost Web, Electric Library (General), Electric Library (K-12), Electric Library (K-6), Encyclopedia Americana, Ethnic NewsWatch (via EBSCO), FirstSearch by OCLS, Gale Group Literary Resources, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, HealthSource Plus, JuniorQuest, KidsQuest, New Book of Knowledge, Poemfinder, ProQuest Gold Full Text, ProQuest PA Research II, Searchasaurus, SIRS Discoverer, and SIRS Knowledge Source.
This year the goal of the membership drive was to raise the matching funds for a three-to-one Library Services Technology Act Grant to replace or upgrade the library's circulation system which is shutting down. Your contributions enabled us to achieve this goal.
The Friends of the Library monies are earmarked for grants, children's programs, equipment and furnishings. Without these monies, especially obtaining grants, these things would not be possible.
Over the past two years, through grants, several computers for Internet and printers were purchased. Friends of the Library also provided funding for DSL installation, 24-port hub, a typewriter, two additional cabinets for the children's amphitheater and a paperback carousel. Storytellers and special entertainers were brought in for the children's programs.
The Atmore Public Library has a membership of 12,241 and has a book collection of 60,339 plus 109 periodical subscriptions. Our yearly circulation averages 74,827, which I think is great considering we are a small town. We offer free Internet and word processing classes. We also give tours throughout the year especially for kindergartens.
Your library plays an integral role in your community. When new businesses or families are interested in relocating, the main concerns are churches, schools, and a good library. It shows the commitment and quality of a good town or city.
Our one job, our one purpose is to serve. And if in some small way a love of books, or learning or computers and technology can make life a little better or easier, then we've done our job.