Letter to the Editor
Published 12:10 am Monday, March 27, 2006
By Staff
Democratic primary qualifying deadline nears
The Escambia County Democratic Executive Committee wishes to remind all candidates for local county office and county party office that plan on qualifying for the democratic primary election to be held on June 6 this year that the deadline to qualify is Thursday, March 30th at 5:00 p. m. Candidates for local county office must file papers with Escambia County Democratic Party Chairman, Reo Kirkland, Jr. in Brewton, Probate Judge Rachel Agerton and the Alabama Ethics Commission. There are a number of forms that must be filled out so it is best to pick up the forms before the day on which you plan to qualify. Forms may be picked up at the office of Reo Kirkland Jr. located behind the Courthouse in Brewton.
There are eight (8) county offices which will be on the ballot this year: Sheriff; Probate Judge; County Commission Districts one (1), three (3) and five (5); and School Board Districts two (2), three (3) and seven (7). Local candidates for County office who have qualified in the Democratic Primary at this time are: Judge Rachel Agerton for Probate Judge; Sheriff Grover Smith and Tim Hawsey for Sheriff; Commissioner and Commission Chairman David Stokes for County Commission District 1; Commissioner Larry White for County Commission District 3; Commissioner Wiley Tait for County Commission District 5; Board member Jack D. Crutchfield for Escambia County School Board District 3; Board member Danny Benjamin for Escambia County School Board District 2, and Board member Charles H. Brooks for Escambia County School Board District 7.
Local state offices that are up for election this year include Circuit Judge and Circuit Clerk. Incumbent Circuit Clerk James Kenneth Taylor has qualified for re-election with the State Democratic Party, and Atmore Attorney and Municipal Court Judge Bert Rice has qualified for the Circuit Judge Seat being vacated by retiring Circuit Judge Joseph Brogden. These candidates must qualify with the State Democratic Executive Committee in Montgomery and also file papers with the Secretary of State and the Alabama Ethics commission. The deadline for State candidates is April 7 at 5:00 p. m. All legislative seats are also up for election this year and long time Escambia County State Representative Frank P. "Skippy" White has qualified for re-election as has our experienced and powerful State Senator W. H. "Pat " Lindsey. Other State Offices up for election this year are Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, State Auditor, State Treasurer, Attorney General, Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Associate Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court places 1, 2, 3, and 4; Court of Civil Appeals places 1, 2, and 3; Court of Criminal Appeals places 1, 2, and 3; Public Service Commission places 1 and 2; State Board of Education places 2, 4, 6 and 8; and United States House of Representatives for the First Congressional District and all other Congressional Districts.
Any person who wants to qualify for county or state office in the Democratic primary who has any questions about the qualifying process may call the county party chairman at 867-5711 or the state party at 1-800-995-3386.