Calendar of Events
Published 5:30 pm Monday, January 22, 2007
By Staff
Lamb to address peanut outlook
Marshall Lamb from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Peanut Lab in Dawson, Ga. will be speaking about the peanut outlook for 2007 on Wednesday, Jan. 24, at the Creek Family Restaurant.
The Peanut Lab performs research that will enhance peanut quality, cleanliness, storage and marketing. Lamb, the research food technologist at the lab, has developed numerous projects for the improvement of peanut quality and crops.
A Dutch-treat luncheon will be held for the meeting from noon until 2 p.m. There are no additional costs to attend this event.
For more information, call the Alabama Cooperative Extension System at 574-8446.
– Adrienne McKenzie
DHR in need of foster families
The Escambia County DHR is in need of families interested in caring for sibling groups of three or more and teenagers.
DHR is hosting a recruitment party from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at their office in Brewton on Feb. 3 for interested families.
Contact Tracie James at 251-809-2000 for more information.
– Janet Little Cooper
Sanctity of Life at Shiloh Freewill Jan. 21
Shiloh FreeWill Baptist Church will be celebrating the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 21, 2007.
The Sunday morning service will include a message on why human life is sacred and will also include areas of concern today .
The church lawn will showcase 48 white crosses to represent the 48+ million babies that have been aborted since 1973.
The public is invited to this special service which will begin at 11am for the Sunday morning service and 6pm for the Sunday evening service.
County Commission to meet Jan. 22
The Escambia County Commission will conduct an adjourned regular session on Monday, Jan. 22, 2007 at 9a.m.
EW Booster Club to meet Jan. 22, 6 p.m.
Ernest Ward Booster Club will hold a meeting Jan. 22nd at 6p.m. The meeting will take place in the school cafeteria.
Faith Bible classes begin at FBC Atmore
The First Baptist Church of Atmore will begin a new semester of Faith Bible Institute Monday night, Jan. 22nd at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Atmore Library to hold board meeting Jan. 25
The Atmore Public Library is having a Board Meeting on Thursday, January 25,
2007 at 4:00 pm. The public is invited to attend.
Gospel singing at Bay Springs Church
There will be a gospel singing Jan. 27 at 6p.m. at Bay Springs Full Gospel. Featured guest will be The Samaritans with Bo and Debbie Bray. For more information call Denise Lollie at 850-324-0002.
Historical Society plans trip to Mobile
The Atmore Historical Society is actively soliciting names for a waiting list for their upcoming trip to the "A Day in Pompeii Exhibit" in Mobile at the Gulf Coast Exploreum and Science Center.
The date and price of the trip will soon be announced. AHS members have priority for seating. Remaining seats on the to-be-decided means of transportation will be assigned only from the waiting list.
Interested parties should call 368-3760 as soon as possible to insure their names are placed on the waiting list.
Leave a message if no one is home.
Trinity to host Popcorn Theology Jan. 25
Trinity Episcopal Church will host Popcorn Theology Thursday, Jan. 25th at 6 p.m. at Merkel House.
"The Spitfire Grill," a story about a young girl who is released from prison and begins a new life for herself in a small town with many secrets, will be featured.
It is a story of forgiveness, healing, reconciliation.
County Historical Society meeting set
The public is invited to attend the monthly meeting of the Escambia County Historical Society on Tuesday, January 23 at 3:15 p.m. at the museum on JDCC's Brewton campus.
Guest speaker John Jackson, Baldwin County archivist, will present the topic, "The Job of a lifetime: historical preservation in Baldwin County Alabama."
Butt Burners cooking for the Super Bowl
The Butt Burners Relay for Life Team is cooking for the Super Bowl.
Orders for
are being taken now by calling 368-9203 or 368-5719. The deadline to order is Monday, Jan. 29.
Items will be ready for pickup at Swift Lumber on Friday, February 2.
All proceeds to benefit the American Cancer Society.
Nursing scholarships from the Civic League
The Civic Leaque is accepting applications for nursing scholarships until March 10, 2007.
The scholarships are awarded to outstanding and deserving students who wish to continue their higher education and become a registered nurse.
Applications may be obtained at Jefferson Davis Community College in Brewton. Applicants must be a resident of Escambia County Alabama and accepted into a nursing school.
For further information, contact Dement Hays at 317 Alco Drive, Brewton, Ala., 36426.
Beth Moore study to begin Feb. 20
The Atmore Community is invited to the Beth Moore's study, To Live is Christ, at the First Presbyterian Church beginning Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007.
Join us on a journey into the life and heart of Paul the Apostle.
This study will challenge and encourage you as you gain a new appreciation of servanthood.
The Tuesday morning sessions will meet 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and childcare will be provided.
An afternoon study will also be held on Wednesdays 3:30-5:00 p.m.
This session will not provide childcare. We will meet weekly to discuss the assignments and view Beth's video lectures.
Cost for the workbook is $17. For more information or to register, please call Jan Rice at 368-8091 or church office at 368-5453.
2007 Miss Alabama Teen search is on
We are searching for contestants for the 2007 Miss Alabama Teen America Pageant to be held Saturday, March 24 on the campus of the University of Alabama in Huntsville. You have the chance to win over $50,000 in college scholarships and the experience of a lifetime! Contestants must be 14-18 years old as of July 1, 2007. Deadline for entry is February 25.
The Alabama Little Princess Pageant, which is a fundraiser for the Miss Alabama Teen America pageant will be held March 24th for girls ages 3-13 before the Teen competition.
We are also searching for contestants for the 2007 Alabama Miss and Mr. U.S. Pageant to be held March 24th at UAH. This pageant is for men and women ages 18 and over who are divorced, married, single or widowed. You have the chance to represent your state in the Miss and Mr. U.S. Pageant in June in Vicksburg, MS. Deadline for entry is March 5.
For more information on the above pageants, call 601-892-3982 or 256-513-0676 or email
Kings &Queens of Hope pageant Feb.24
"Kings &Queens of Hope Pageant" a Relay for Life Fund Raiser to be held Saturday, Feb. 24th at 2p.m. at Escambia County High School Auditorium. Open to all area children (boys and girls) ages 0- 19 years. Enrollment fees are $50 for the first child and $25 for each additional sibling. Pre-registration will be held at the Atmore YMCA on Saturday, Jan. 27th from 9a.m. to 12p.m., Saturday, Feb. 3rd from 9a.m. to 12p.m., and Saturday, Feb. 10th from 9a.m. to 12p.m. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. Contact: Angela or Ashley Edwards at Regions Bank: 368-4500 or Tonya at Chuck Stevens Chevrolet at 368-4053.