Calendar of Events
Published 6:28 pm Monday, February 5, 2007
By Staff
Student needs Atmore's help
A Washington student needs Atmore residents' assistance with a school project.
Lauren Weller, a student from Puyallys Wash., has chose Alabama for a school project. Any facts, postcards, products, etc, that could benefit her would be greatly appreciated. Mail to: 2911 18th St S.E. Puyallys, Wash. 98374.
– Jeremy DeWise
Atmore HOF Grand Opening
The Atmore Area Hall of Fame will hold its Grand Opening at the Atmore Public Library from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Feb. 8.
Contact Lou Vickery with any nominations for next years class.
– Adam Prestridge
Escambia County RSVP tax prep
The Escambia County RSVP is providing free tax preparations and electronic filing for residents 60 years old and older, disabled and low-to-moderate income.
Call 251-809-1982 for more information.
– Staff Reports
First Baptist hosting Valentine Banquet
The First Baptist Church of Atmore will hold a Valentine Banquet Feb. 9, 2007 at 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall. The price of admission will be $5 per person. Youth are hosting and will use funds raised to help defray the cost of youth camp.
Historical Society plans trip to Mobile
The Atmore Historical Society is actively soliciting names for a waiting list for their upcoming trip to the "A Day in Pompeii Exhibit" in Mobile at the Gulf Coast Exploreum and Science Center.
The date and price of the trip will soon be announced. AHS members have priority for seating. Remaining seats on the to-be-decided means of transportation will be assigned only from the waiting list.
Interested parties should call 368-3760 as soon as possible to insure their names are placed on the waiting list.
Leave a message if no one is home.
S.A.I.L. Center dance Feb. 9 at 6:30 p.m.
Atmore S.A.I.L Center will hold a Valentine's Dance Friday, Feb. 9th from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome and admission will be $5. No alcoholic beverages permitted.
Hunter's Ed classes Feb. 17-18 at JDCC
Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries will sponsor a hunter's education class Feb. 17 and 18, 2007 at Jefferson Davis Community College, Neal Colonial Center, Alco Dr. in Brewton. Times for the classes are: Feb. 17- 8 a.m. until noon and 1 p.m. until 5p.m., and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Feb. 18.
Students must be at least 10 years of age to receive credit. Anyone born on or after August 1, 1977 must pass a certified hunter's education course before they can purchase a hunting license in Alabama.
This course is nationally accredited and free to the public. No pre-registration is required. Students will need their social security number and everything else will be provided.
Student must attend both days to receive credit. For more information call 251-626-5474.
Ladies of Essence Mardi Gras Ball
The Ladies of Essence annual Mardi Gras Ball will be Saturday February 10 at The Wisteria.
Entertainment will be provided by Nikki deMarks. The annual Mardi Gras parade will be Saturday February 17, at noon. Due to safety regulations no go carts, four wheelers, scooters or bicycles will be allowed in the parade.
For more information please call 368-8616. Thanks, The Ladies Of Essence.
Friendship Club will meet Feb. 8 at 11
The McCullough Friendship Club will meet Feb. 8 at 11 a.m. at David's Catfish House.
FBC of Atmore teams up with Christian Care
The First Baptist Church of Atmore will participate in the ministry of the Atmore Area Christian Care on Feb. 4. They will be collecting food items such as cooking oil, corn meal, flour, sugar, peanut butter and jelly. Financial donations will also be accepted.
Nursing scholarships from the Civic League
The Civic League is accepting applications for nursing scholarships until March 10, 2007.
The scholarships are awarded to outstanding and deserving students who wish to continue their higher education and become a registered nurse.
Applications may be obtained at Jefferson Davis Community College in Brewton. Applicants must be a resident of Escambia County Alabama and accepted into a nursing school.
For further information, contact Dement Hays at 317 Alco Drive, Brewton, Ala., 36426.
Calvary Baptist reviving the church
Calvary Baptist Church invites you to "Revive the Church," with evangelist Rocky Williams, Feb. 4-7 at 6 p.m. on Sunday and 7 p.m. Monday thru Wednesday.
Grant-in-aid offered to graduating females
Each year Atmore's Omega Chapter of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International makes available a $150 grant-in-aid to a deserving female graduating high school senior who plans to enter the teaching profession, or a female college student presently enrolled in a college School of Education.
Interested applicants are asked to submit an essay titled "Why I Want to Go Into the Education Field" along with their name, parent's name, address, and phone number to: Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, 210 E. Pine Street Atmore, AL 36502
Deadline for submitting the application papers is Feb. 23.
FBC of Atmore to host "Grow Workshop"
The First Baptist Church of Atmore will hold a "Grow Workshop" sponsored by The Alabama Baptist State Board of Mission. The workshop focuses on establishing and maintaining an effective church visitation program. This workshop will take place on Feb. 8, at 6:30 p.m. at Unity Baptist Church .
Trinity releases Lenten schedule
Trinity Episcopal Church will sponsor its annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20th. The price is $2 per person and the supper will be held in the parish hall. Everyone is welcome. More on this event to follow as the date draws near.
Trinity Episcopal Church will conduct Ash Wednesday Services on Feb. 21 at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
All are welcome.
Each Wednesday during Lent, Trinity Episcopal Church will sponsor a Lenten Supper in conjunction with Bible Study at 6p.m. in the parish hall. Topics to be announced. Everyone is welcome. For more information contact The Reverend Sandra Mayer at 368-5933.
Historic Trinity Church, the oldest public building in continuous use in Atmore, is located on the corner of Church and Carney Streets, directly behind Bondurant Hardware.
African-American history celebration
The Atmore Public Library invites you to attend "An African American History Celebration" Feb 5, 2007 at 4 p.m. Videos will be shown.
For more information, contact Mildred Fisher of the library staff at 368-5234.
Missionary Baptist pastor appreciation
Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church invites you to come and worship with us in our pastor's 23rd year appreciation services; Rev. /Dr. Monroe Tucker, Jr. to be held Wednesday through Friday, Feb. 7-9, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. nightly and climaxing Sunday, Feb. 11, 2007 at 3 p.m.
– Relay for Life –
Organizers plan to sell concessions at the football stadium and show a movie outdoors.
Contestants for the pageant are still needed. Please call 368-2525 to enter.
Tickets for the steak dinner cost $20. The event will have a Valentine Theme.
For more information contact Kitty at 368-3148.
Call 368-2500 for more information.
The event will feature games and food.
For more information or to order an angel call 368-4273.
The pageant is for ages 0-19. Enrollment fee is $35 for the first child and $20 for the second.
Enrollment will be held from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. on Feb. 3 and Feb. 10 at the Atmore Area YMCA and Community Center.