Injured dog adopted by Georgia couple
Published 12:58 am Monday, April 27, 2009
By By Kerry Whipple Bean
A dog who suffered a serious head injury last month during a tornado in north Brewton is headed for a new home.
Cammy, a dachshund who needed surgery to correct swelling in her brain after a tree fell on her doghouse March 30, is about to be adopted by a Georgia couple with experience in raising dogs with special needs, said Renee Jones, director of the Humane Society of Escambia County.
Cammy’s owner, a breeder of dachshunds, could not afford to pay the veterinarian bill. Cammy had given birth to puppies just two months before the accident.
The humane society was called to the scene by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.
So far, Cammy has responded well to treatment. She has a slight head tilt, which could indicate continuing problems, Jones said. But her new owners are well equipped to care for her, having raised dogs with other health problems in the past.
In the meantime, the humane society is hoping donations will help offset the cost of Cammy’s veterinarian bill, which was $1,468.
The humane society has been busy working to find homes for many animals in recent weeks, making a transport of puppies to Tampa, Fla., last week to another shelter in that city. The shelter also sent three golden retrievers and a Labrador to breed rescue organizations.
Anyone interested in donating to the humane society can call 867-6860.