Letter to the Editor

Published 3:31 am Wednesday, May 13, 2009

By Staff
Teachers show their support for Linam family
We are writing this in response to a recent article published in The Atmore Advance concerning Tracy Linam, a precious friend and colleague.
Many of your readers do not know Tracy, but those of us who work with her everyday know her true character. Tracy is a kind, compassionate, mild-mannered lady who dearly loves children. This is evident to those who see with them on a daily basis, as we do. Those students who know and love Mrs. Linam are missing the one who taught them everyday with a smile, a positive attitude and fairness.
We are devastated that her name has been defamed and therefore, we want the public to know our stand. We trust what we see in Mrs. Linam’s daily conduct with the students she serves. When the whole truth is made known, we believe Tracy will be proven to be the sweet, caring lady we know her to be.
Desmond Linam is also one of the nicest people that you could ever meet. We have seen him with his children at baseball games for many years and he appears to be a very loving father. Desmond has always been a very caring person who is always willing to help others. It saddens us that his character has also been defamed.
It is such a disappointment that the character of decent law-abiding citizens who work diligently to serve the community in which they live can be destroyed so easily. Remember, “innocent until proven guilty.”
Joanne Bonds, Tammy Smith, Diane Purvis, JoLynn Godwin, Katrina Dean, John Brantley, Julie McDonald, Melba Smith, Patricia Myles, Ellen J. Valenzuela, Tansey Espey, Kit Cunningham, Karla J. Maxwell, Leigh Ann Rowland, Debbie Hester, Sandra Culliver, Renee Wolfe, Melissa Nichols, Stacy Patterson, Patricia Gibbs, Phrann Fountain and Amy G. Dean.

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