New Atmore firemen start fire college
Published 4:55 am Wednesday, May 27, 2009
By By MaryClaire Foster
Following their recent hirings, the Atmore Fire Department has sent its four newest additions to Pritchard to begin their two-month stint in fire college this week.
The City of Atmore hired Allen Minchew, David Amerson, Trent Lambert and Wayne Kelley to fill recent openings in the department made mostly due to Poarch’s Fire Department becoming full-time.
Atmore Fire Chief Gerry McGhee said he is pleased with the new employees, but is still working on filling one more position.
McGhee said one main criterion in hiring people has been whether they live locally, and all but one of the new hires live in Atmore, with Amerson in Walnut Hill, Fla.
Shell said hiring locally was common sense.
McGhee said he is “very” appreciative to the city for acting swiftly to hire replacements.
McGhee said Assistant Fire Chief Mike Staples had to teach a first responder class to catch the men up because fire school had started before all were hired.
Staples said the men have been fitting in well at the department and performed well in their class last week.
The four men will begin working for the department beginning in August following completion of fire college.