Tribal council elections scheduled for Saturday

Published 5:44 am Wednesday, June 3, 2009

By By MaryClaire Foster
Turnout for the 2009 Poarch Band of Creek Indians Tribal elections has already largely increased from last year by way of walk-in voting and absentee ballots, and the regular election is not until Saturday.
Johnson said the walk-in votes are for those unable to vote on Saturday though they still live in the area and absentee ballots, which are due by 5 p.m Friday, are for those who live out of the area or cannot participate in walk-in or regular voting. There are approximately 2,300 Tribal members eligible to vote.
Sixteen candidates are vying for two spots on the Tribal Council, with two candidates, Stephanie Bryan and Eddie Tullis, running for the vice-chairman position.
Tribal Chairman Buford Rolin said so far this election season things have gone smoothly and expects the announcement of winners to come shortly after polls close.
Rolin said this year’s election is unique because its format changed.
The Tribe holds elections every year with Tribal Council members serving three-year terms.
Running for vice-chair are Stephanie A. Bryan and Eddie L. Tullis. Running for members at-large are David Adams, Amy Michelle Bryan, Polly Ann Walker Carter, Peggy Rolin Couch, Rodney Exum, Douglas “Poncho” Kelley, Desi “Dusty” Martin, Keith Martin, Daniel K. McGhee, Kelli Ramer, Raymond “Bucky” Rolin, William T. Rolin, Berry Ross, Danny Smillie, Paula H. Smith and Carolyn M. White.
A photo identification is required to vote. Voting is held in the Tribal auditorium.

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