Easter weekend busy in Atmore
Published 1:12 pm Monday, April 5, 2010
By By Lydia Grimes
Easter is almost here and there are still plenty of activities to do. Whether you hunt Easter eggs or attend Easter Sunday services at church, or both, the weekend will be filled with a wide variety of events for the whole family to enjoy.
Escambia Academy’s junior class will have breakfast with the Easter Bunny today from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. in the school’s auditorium. A good breakfast of hot pancakes, sausage, milk, orange juice and coffee will be served. The cost will be $20 per family, of up to six family members.
Melanie Hendrix said the money raised from this and other fundraisers will be used for future events.
The Easter Bunny will stop by to visit with the children and LifeTouch will be there to mark the occasion with photos of the visit.
The Atmore Chamber of Commerce is also hosting Easter in the park today in Heritage Park from 9:30 until 11:30 a.m.
“It isn’t an Easter Egg hunt,” said Sheryl Vickery, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce. “Although the bunny will be there, there will be no eggs. We plan on the bunny making a grand entrance. He will be sitting on a wicker love seat to meet and greet the children. There will be free refreshments, arts and crafts, bubbles and music. I even want to organize a bunny hop if I can. Clay Lisenby is coming to take photographs. The photo packages will be very reasonable.”
The Family Life Center, located at 4743 Hwy. 21, will have an Easter egg hunt today from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. The hunt will be for ages toddler up to 12 years of age. Prizes will be given to the children.
Concerned Citizens of Atmore will sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt and Fun Day from noon until 3 p.m., at the Houston Avery Park on Martin Luther King Ave. today. These Easter eggs will will be worth some money in prizes. The golden egg will be worth $25 to the child who finds it, while the silver egg is worth $10, and the bronze egg will be worth $5.
Sandra Gray said that there will be 150 eggs hidden and all of them are valuable.
“All eggs have something in them,” Gray said. “Those that don’t have the money will still have something in them. Area merchants have given prizes. Numbers will be placed in the egg which will correspond with the prize.”
So, If your child doesn’t find one of the eggs with the money, never fear, there will be more eggs that will contain prizes from area merchants. Chances to win a giant Easter basket will be sold for $1 each. In addition, snow cones and hot dogs will be free.
In addition to the egg hunt, there will be plenty of other activities taking place, such as a cupcake walk, face painting, water balloon relay and an egg spoon race.
After all the fun of meeting the Easter Bunny and hunting for Easter eggs on Saturday, Sunday will quieten down with many special church services to celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection. Some churches plan on having sunrise services while others will celebrate at the regular time.
Other events Saturday include:
Atmore Church of God will also have an Easter Egg hunt today at 1 p.m. Surprises will be in the eggs, which will be dropped from an airplane.
Refreshments will be served.
Sunday school will be at 10 a.m., worship services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Also check the church calendar of events on pages 7-8A for special Easter services.