B&T Fun Zone offers food, games for youth

Published 2:10 pm Saturday, July 3, 2010

The youth of Atmore now have another place to go and have fun since B&T Fun Zone Deli & Arcade has opened its doors on West Ridgeley Street.

The arcade, which opens at 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Saturday from 4 p.m. until the last customer is gone and Sunday from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m., offers a variety of arcade games, pool tables and more.

Brian McCreary and Terri Jernigan decided to open the B & T Fun Zone to give their children a place to go to play.

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“We don’t have a lot of things for children to do in small towns,” Terri said. “There is the movie theatre, but once you see it, it will be the next week before they will have another. I thought about it and knew that all kids love the things we have here at the fun zone.”

The business is much like a combination pool hall, a place to play games and there is a juke box for music.

B&T’s also have a dancing game and stools sitting around for the kids to use when they get tired.

Adults are also welcome to visit B&T’s to unwind.

“We want people to know that we are open for all ages,” Terri said. “In fact, we welcome them. This is going to be a safe place for kids to come. I will be here most of the time and we will not have drugs, alcohol or bad language used in here. It is going to be a clean environment and we will not allow people standing around outside.”

Terri said they will also hold pool tournaments occasionally with door prizes available to competitors.

B&T’s also serves hot dogs, chips and drinks, so no one has to go out for anything to eat while they are having fun. Terri said it will be a safe place to come to, and she won’t tolerate anyone who is out of line.

Terri also has a full time job at Wind Creek Casino and Brian works for the City of Atmore.

B&T Fun Zone Deli & Arcade co-owner Terri Jernigan displays one of the businesses many arcade games. | Photo by Lydia Grimes