Protection against flu
Published 5:46 pm Saturday, October 2, 2010
As recent as April of this year, health officials were diagnosing and treating the H1N1 virus. Officials across the state are hoping to keep the resurgence of the virus at bay as influenza vaccines are administered for 2010.
Local physicians offices are gearing up with an ample supply of the vaccine.
Brian Bruley, office manager at Atmore Family Physicians, said the supply of vaccines for this season seem to be enough to offer the vaccine to their patients.
“It seems, so far, that there is a good supply of the vaccine,” Bruley said. “I have not heard anything about there being a shortage of any kind for the vaccine.”
Bruley said the 2010 vaccine should make immunization against a variety of the influenza viruses easier for everyone.
“The vaccines are coming all-in-one this year,” Bruley said. “Last year, patients had to get the H1N1 vaccine and return later for the seasonal vaccine. This year, everything comes in one vaccine.”
Although the cooler weather experienced in recent days may be a reminder for some patients to get immunized, Bruley said word of mouth is also a driving factor for vaccinations.
“We started offering the vaccines just last week,” Bruley said. “It takes a little time to get the word out that the vaccines are available. People are starting come in for the vaccines now that the word is out that they are available.”
More and more people are opting to get the vaccines, Bruley said.
“More and more people are starting to come into the office now to get the vaccines,” Bruley said. “As patients come in for their appointments they are asking for the vaccine. Others are making a special trip to the office just to get the shot.”
Flu Clinics are being planned by healthcare providers including the Escambia County Health Department.
Ricky Elliott, regional officer with the Escambia County Health Department, said his office has scheduled flu clinics and will continue to make the vaccine available as the season progresses.
“We will schedule flu clinics when we have a larger amount of the vaccine,” Elliott said. “We hope to get enough that we would have the drive-through set up again, but right now there hasn’t been that much come in to the health department.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the full impact of the vaccine every season. State Health Officer Dr. Donald Williamson said the number of those infected with the virus each year continues to grow.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that each year in the United States between five and 20 percent of the population is infected with influenza,” Williamson said. “About 36,000 people died and more than 200,000 are hospitalized because of influenza complications.”
The vaccine being offered this year protects against three influenza viruses including the H1N1 virus. Those who were vaccinated for the H1N1 virus last year still need to receive the seasonal vaccine in order to have protection from all three viruses.
Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons aged six months and older to protect against disease, which usually occurs from November to March in Alabama.
The vaccine is highly recommended by the CDC for those who are at higher risk of influenza related illnesses. Those are children aged six months through 18 years; adults aged 50 and older; adults and children with chronic problems; women who will be pregnant during the flu season; residents of nursing homes and long-time care facilities; people who are immuno-suppressed; health-care workers and caregivers who have contact with children six months old and adults who are over the age of 50.
Other people who wish to reduce the chance of contacting the influenza virus should get a flu-shot. Symptoms of the flu include, fever and respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, muscle aches, and often, extreme fatigue.
The public is also reminded to practice infection controls such as covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or cloth when coughing and sneezing, washing hands frequently and staying at home when sick to prevent the spread of the virus.
To learn more about the H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccines, contact your primary physician or officials with the Escambia County Health Department.

Pascal Johnson of Goodway receives his flu shot Friday morning from Escambia County Department of Public Health Registered Nurse Debbie Dawson at the Atmore Health Department.|Photo by Adam Prestridge