Mission gone global
Published 9:08 am Monday, January 24, 2011

Nancy Peters stands in front of some of the items that are badly needed in Haiti. Some of the mattresses that are stacked in the storage building have already been shipped to the Appalachian regions of Kentucky and West Virginia, along with coats, blankets and sweaters for those who don’t have the clothing to combat the extreme cold that has blanketed the area.|Photo by Lydia Grimes
The living conditions for those who live in Haiti have been in the news spotlight for a long time, especially since the horrific earthquake a year ago.
The situation has been made painfully apparent to a couple in Davisville, Fla.. Erich and Nancy Peters have a daughter, Ericka, who is working with Globe International missions in Haiti and that connection has led them to realize just how badly help is needed there. At best the living conditions are not good. Add to that the earthquake and Coleria and the outlook is rather bleak.
“Several years ago we received a calling from the Lord,” Nancy Peters said. “There is no doubt this is a God thing. We are not spring chickens and would never have thought to do this type of mission work. We have always been missioned-minded and the vision laid on our hearts was to work with missions and furnish necessary items to those who are so less fortunate.
“We have formed a non-profit incorporation in the state of Florida and received the incorporation papers on May 1, 2010,” she added. “We are Community Missions Support, Inc. and are in the process of obtaining our 501(c) 3 status. For almost a year we have helped Brother Tommy Smith to pack crates bound for In The Father’s Hand Children’s Home mission in Port-de-Paix. We currently serve this mission as well as Sav-a-life in Escambia County, Ala.; Cornerstone Missions in Atmore and we collect and send shoe box gifts for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child.”
The Peters have a large metal building to hold supplies until they are ready to be sent to Haiti and other destinations. Non perishable food, baby and children’s items, clothing, medical supplies and building supplies are needed. Right now the most needed food items are dried beans and rice.
Other items needed are ketchup, salt and pepper, canned meats, peanut butter, Kool-aid, canned pasta, canned fruits, vegetables, juices, soups and stews, cooking oil, oatmeal and grits, powdered and canned milk and sugar, coffee and tea, stick deodorant, shampoo, deodorant soap, hand and body lotions, toothpaste, toothbrushes, Lice shampoo, sanitary napkins and bath tissue, flip flops, sandals, caps, new or like new clothing, disposable diapers, powder baby formula, Orajel, wipes, lotion and baby Tylenol and ibuprofen, band-aids, gauze pads and tape, antibiotic creams, pain relievers, hand sanitizer, Ace bandages, alcohol, peroxide, latex and non-latex gloves, Pepto Bismol, and chewable antacid tabs, toilet paper, liquid fabric softener, liquid laundry detergent and anti-bacterial dish soap and hand soap, tarps, duct tape, glues, clothespins, can openers, cookware utensils and zip lock freezer bags, school supplies, linens and small toys (and batteries) and flashlights.
These are only some of the things that are needed. Contact Erich and Nancy Peters at 850-327-6916, Tommy Smith at 850-327-6683 or Linda Smith at 850-327-4172 for more information and how you can help.