Man leaves scene of accident
Published 11:30 pm Monday, January 23, 2012
Local authorities are on the look out for a white male who fled the scene of a single vehicle accident Monday night around 10 p.m.
Atmore police officers and Atmore firefighters responded to a 911 call reporting an accident on 21st Avenue, just off Old Bratt Road.
Billy Farr, a local resident, said he called 911 after hearing a loud crash outside his home.
“I heard tires squealing and a thump,” Farr said. “So I called 911.”
Farr told officers he saw a white male exit the vehicle and flee the scene on foot.
“I saw him climb out of the truck,” he said. “I didn’t want to approach him. If he had looked hurt I would have. He looked like he wanted to get out of there.”
Farr said the driver of the green Nissan pick-up truck had dark hair and a dark beard.
Officers with APD said that it looked as if the driver of the vehicle was headed north on 21st Avenue when he lost control, spun around and left the roadway coming to rest facing south in a roadside ditch.
Although it could not be confirmed, officers on the scene said alcohol use was suspected as a factor in Monday’s wreck. If confirmed, APD officers said the truck’s driver would likely be charged with driving under the influence and leaving the scene of an accident.
The accident is currently under investigation by Alabama State Troopers.