Don’t wish your days — and life — away

Published 8:58 am Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shocked. That’s the exact way to describe my feelings when I looked down at the calendar and realized we are already halfway through November and quickly sliding into 2013.

Where did the time go? Where did all those weeks go? I’ve lost them. They are gone, never to return.

In many ways, some of those days that have passed have found me crying “good riddence,” but to look at things around the house that have gone undone with the promise of “maybe tomorrow,” I wish I had a few of those days back – even the bad ones.

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How many times have I said on a Monday that I sure wish the weekend would hurry and get here? I’m sure I’m not the only one who has made that wish at one time or another. But, as I recall saying that a number of times, I now realize I was wishing my life away.

As the holidays continue to run right toward me, I’m longing for that week back in July that I wished would hurry up and get through. It sure would be a blessing right now to have that week to continue my preparations for the upcoming holiday season.

I’ve got to get going, got to run right along with those days left on the 2012 calendar and huff and puff right into 2013.

I’m making a Nov. 15 resolution (can’t wait until the new year on this one) — I vow, from this day forward, I will not wish for a day to pass; I will not wish for the weekend to hurry and get here; I will not put off until tomorrow what I need to do today. (Gee, that last part is still going to be a challenge.)

I’m hoping that for 2013, there might be a few extra days added to a couple of months — preferably May and November. With the cooler temperatures and so little free time most of the year, those two months could stand to have a few extra days added to them just to help me out when I’m running behind.

I encourage anyone who has ever made the wish to speed up time and get to a certain day or date to reconsider their wishing opportunities.
Don’t wish your life away. Don’t waste your breath hoping for something that just cannot happen. Instead, use those thoughts and wishes to slow down the time that is so important.

If you find yourself in what seems like a long, endless day — take some of those minutes that seem to drag by and use them to entertain your children; bake a cake for a neighbor; read a book (that’s one I never seem to get around to); or simply sit and pray or ponder where your life is going.

Don’t be like me and wonder where those missing days went.

Lisa Tindell is a news reporter for The Atmore Advance.