Get in shape in 2014
Published 11:19 am Tuesday, December 31, 2013
If you can’t tell by looking at me, I’m not much of a health nut.
Sure, I ran cross-country in school and marching band helped keep me fit, but then college, late night study food and a lot of nap time caught up with me.
From my freshman to my sophomore year of college I probably gained 50 pounds. That’s right, 50 pounds in a year.
I kept that weight (and maybe gained a little more) throughout college and finally made a concerted effort to lose it about a year into my first newspaper job. A scale down of my diet and a conscious effort to exercise really helped me drop a lot of weight.
At my thinnest during that time, I still managed to tip the scales at about 190 pounds. I’m a little off that mark as sit here writing this.
I’ve gained back most of the weight I lost after college and it’s a little upsetting. Sure, I’m older and that plays a part, but I’ve also given up on the diet I tried so hard to keep. Plus, working across the street from a place offering two Big Kings for $5 doesn’t help. (It’s literally right across the street and most of the time I drive.)
I can blame part of it, possibly, on being out of the dating world for the first time in my life. Although, I never really noticed a difference between skinny Dale and fat Dale’s ability to attract ladies and now I don’t have to worry about it.
Also I’ve stopped trying to exercise, which is never good (did I mention the Burger King across the street.) I’m in bad shape.
Noticing my flabbiness, I guess, or perhaps having genuine concern for my well being, my future in-laws bought a gym membership as one of my Christmas gifts. I’ve been once already, but I plan to go a lot more often.
I will make it my New Year’s resolution to, at least, exercise more and maybe eat better. Anyway, we’ll see how it goes.
Weight loss is a popular resolution, but not always an easy one to keep. It requires discipline, something that is sometimes in short supply with this reporter. It requires consistency and a routine, which are two things that can easily be knocked off kilter by work, family and other obligations.
I’m going to do my best to keep my resolution and I’m inviting others to join me. The Atmore Area YMCA is taking membership applications and can help you achieve any weight loss goal.
A great way to start 2014 would be to ensure a healthier 2015. I will be trying to stay on the straight and narrow, maybe you can come along.
Dale Liesch is a news reporter with The Atmore Advance. He can be reached at