Habitat meetings set for this week

Published 4:45 pm Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Families with a dream of owning a home available through Escambia County Habitat for Humanity can soon apply for future builds.

Alecia Glaize, executive director for the local Habitat chapter, said a series of three potential sessions are set:

• Thurs., Feb. 20, at 1 p.m., at the Habitat office, located in the Habitat ReStore on Douglas Avenue in Brewton, and at 6 p.m. at the Second Siloam Missionary Baptist Church, located at 209 East Street in East Brewton.

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• Mon., Feb. 24, at 6 p.m., at Cornerstone Community Church, located on Belleview Avenue in Brewton.
Glaize said these orientation sessions in the coming weeks may help clear up questions. Homeowners must meet certain qualifications in order to apply. These include:

• Being an Escambia County resident living in substandard housing for at least one year.

• Having a decent credit history with a stable verifiable income of approximately $13,000 to $23,000 per year.

• Having the willingness to contribute 400 “sweat equity” hours into the construction of their home and other Habitat homes.

• Having the willingness to accept responsibility for repaying Habitat what it costs to build/renovate the home. Habitat for Humanity offers a 20-year no-interest mortgage.

For more information, contact the office by phone at (251) 867-0095 or by email at habitat@escambiahfh.org.