Do you remember Byrne Field’s games?
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Well, the election is over. But here I am on Monday afternoon, writing this column without knowing the election results.
I do know one thing about this election, which disturbs me. Did you know Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of, our most popular Alabama Internet news network?
Our state, as you know, is recognized as very conservative. Yet this network went against the grain and asked its readers to vote for Hillary Clinton. I feel sure we will hear more about what has done. People all across our great state will air their displeasure of this Internet firm including advertisers, state leaders, ministers and military men and women.
Regardless of who won this election, Hillary Clinton will be drawn over the coals with investigations galore and the FBI director will be trying to find a key hole where he can hide. And, those elite Republicans will be ostracized to the fullest.
Yes, we have not heard the last of this election.
Do you remember when Byrne Field with its Sunday afternoon baseball games was the center of attraction here back in the 1940s and early 1950s?
We had so many good ball players that I won’t even try to name them. Actually, I wrote an earlier column about those ball players a couple of years ago. But I failed to mention the large crowds that were always in attendance. Teams came in from Mobile, Bay Minette, Brewton, Uriah, Monroeville and several other communities.
One of the interesting features was Bill Robinson and his unique concession stand in one corner of the enclosed field. Fans could buy cold drinks for 5 cents and hot dogs for a dime. He also sent young boys scurrying for foul balls, which sailed out of the park. The going price for returning those balls was a dime. Doug Vickery, a youngster back then, had the record of most returned balls. It was not uncommon for him to earn 40 or 50 cents a game, which was real good money in those days.
People enjoyed those Sunday afternoons at the ballpark. But, that era came to a close with the advent of TV. For those of us who were there those gatherings will always be remembered.
Now, let’s take a look at some news from the year 1973.
The Miss Little Queen that year was Cathy Smith, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smith.
Sherry Robinson, former Escambia County High School and Auburn University grad, was selected Miss Lee County in the Miss. Alabama Contest in Birmingham. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Robinson, she took top honors in the talent contest.
A gala grand opening was held at the Adams Plaza Shopping Center in the fall of 1973. Piggly Wiggly, Revco Drug Store and TG&Y Family Center were the main anchors in the Center. Jack Lovely transferred from Oklahoma to manage TG&Y. He remained with that company for a number of years until his retirement. He spent those retirement years at his cottage at Bryant’s Landing until he returned to his native Oklahoma two years ago.
Did you know online college courses have become a very popular choice for today’s college students?
Some colleges have made available all the necessary courses needed for a full bachelor’s degree. Can you imagine the money saved by staying at home and attending college on the Internet? This feature has blossomed probably more than any Internet program.
Major companies today are paying the fees for key employees, especially those without college training, to take online courses. These companies realize their employees will become more valuable to them.
Only a few weeks ago I read where online high school courses are becoming available. In fact, I would like my to create my own website, to help those who do not understand simple parts of speech and sentences, self expressions, sentencing diagramming and basic roots of English like nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs etc. So many graduates go into the world today without the knowledge of these basic skills.
I have a question for you and I would really appreciate your feedback. When I watch college football games on my TV, I get very loud audio. I can barely hear the announcers because they are blasted out by the public address announcer and extreme irritating crowd noise.
I have DISH TV and I experience these distorted sounds in all networks carrying college football games. I would like to know if you experience this? I would like to know if the problem is with my TV or is the problem with DISH, the networks or the TV stations? Please let me hear from you if you experience this.
Next week, we will have more from days gone by.
“yes……it always whispers to me……..those”