‘Open and welcoming’

Published 9:37 am Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Shown is the First United Methodist Church sanctuary from the balcony. | Andrew Garner/Atmore Advance

Shown is the First United Methodist Church sanctuary from the balcony. | Andrew Garner/Atmore Advance

“Open and welcoming.”

That’s how First United Methodist Church of Atmore’s the Rev. Dr. Debora Bishop described the church’s sanctuary after the completion of more than seven months of renovation work.

“It’s more open than it used to be,” Bishop said while walking through the transformed space. “Our pews used to be straight, and now they’re angled.”

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The pews’ angle is one of many differences members noticed when they first worshipped in the space on Jan. 29. Since June 10, 2016, the church held its main worship services in the fellowship hall.

Before the renovation, the main pulpit was in the center, the chancel area was smaller and the organ sat up high.

There are stairs that split two pulpits and lead into the chancel area. In the congregation area, there are three sets of pews split by carpeted aisles. in the narthex, the rear room of the sanctuary, more light shines through its windows to make a commissioned painting of Jesus have a welcoming feel, Bishop said.

“That’s part of the welcoming spirit of the sanctuary; it’s just being a place for the community,” she said. “The congregation has invested in the future of the community with this renovation. It was a vision for us.”

Bishop said through the renovation, contractors revealed the brick wall behind the chancel area.

“We took the plaster off,” she said. “It brings you into the altar space.”

Bishop said the first full worship service in the renovated sanctuary was quite emotional because a lot was done in the fellowship hall.

“We had our service (on June 10), and at the end, the different lay leaders each took a different aspect of the worship pieces,” she said. “Then they left and went into the fellowship hall. We sang the last hymn in the fellowship hall. I wanted to come in as a family.

“We worshipped in there on that Sunday (Jan. 22, 2017) and then after the sermon, we had a liturgy,” she said. “We had weddings, funerals and baptisms in there. We had the liturgy of thanksgiving and picked up and brought it in here. All of the congregations brought it in here. The last hymn (in the fellowship hall) was ‘Here I am Lord.’ There probably wasn’t a dry eye in the house.”



Debora Bishop –


Before, we had a pulpit in the center. Area was much smaller. Opened up more . The organ sateway up high.


We had pulpit in the center.




Everything is .


It’s just a lot more open than it used to be. Our pews used to be straight and now they’re angeled.



Very open and welcoming.



That’s where tiles were up there. They were coming down. That’s really been good.


The brick wallit had plaster. We took that plaster off. It brings you into the altar space. This room, narthex, used to be really dark. Even with the lights not on, it’s light.


The picture is new of Jesus. That was painted for us. That’s part of the welcoming, that open arms, jujst being a place for the community. the congregation has invested in the future of the community fwith this revnoavation. It was a vision for us.


We got back in there had aour first full service on Jan. 22, we processed back in at the end of the service in the fellowship hall. The Jan. 29 had first full service in here.


It was very emotional. Last year, on June 10, we moved out of here. WE had our service, at the end, the different lay leaders each took a different aspect of the worship pieces, sthen left and went into the fellowship hall. We sange the last shym in the fgellowship hal. I wanted to come in as a family.


We worshipped in there on that Sunday, and then after the sermon, we had a liturgy, samethigns wer remeberthemings tin there. We have weddings, funerals and baptized in there. LItury of thanksgiving and picked up and brought it in here, all of the congregations brough in . Last hy was Here I am Lord. There probably wasn’t a dry eye in the house.


It’s been a church community effort. We’re very pleased. Used to be where the publip was, there was a tile looked like it was about to come down right on my head.