Arrest reports for Wed., Aug. 30, 2017

Published 7:47 pm Tuesday, August 29, 2017

During the week of Aug. 19, 2017, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to 259 complaints and nine domestic calls; served 134 civil papers; and performed 52 transports, one domestic escort and three funeral escorts.

Arrested were:

• Alphonso Wesley, 31, of Flomaton, for bench warrant

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• William H. O’Farrell, 73, of Brewton, for failure to appear and negotiating with a nonnegotiable instrument

• Timothy L. Johnson, 30, of Atmore, for obstructing government operations

• Autumn L. Meadows, 31, of Atmore, for failure to appear

• Robert L. Benjamin, of Brewton, for failure to appear

• Colt B. Langham, 35, of Brewton, for fugitive from justice

• Virginia A. Mackey, 56, of Brewton, for negotiating with a nonnegotiable instrument

• Deborah J. Peterson, 49, of Pensacola, for theft of property III

• Michael C. Adams, 25, of Brewton, for failure to appear

• Edmund J. Davis, 35, of Brewton, for probation violation

• Marc A Jones, 44, of Brewton, for unlawful distribution of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana I and trafficking a contraband substance

• Dewayne Jones, 39, of Atmore, for probation violation

• Ron M. Reid, 29, of East Brewton, for probation violation

• Sedric L. Howard, 35, of Brewton, for failure to appear

• John D. Flowers, 31, of Atmore, for unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia

• Christopher P. Blackwell, 38, of Andalusia, for theft of property

• Daphne L. Powers, 31, of Atmore, for failure to appear

• Rodney D. Lane, 31, of Brewton, for probation violation

• Brandi R. Webb, 32, of Atmore, for revocation of community corrections

• Waymon Morrison, 27, of Frisco City, for unlawful possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia

• Virginia A Mackey, of Brewton, for negotiating with a nonnegotiable instrument

• Ronald Rolin, 56, of Atmore, for theft of property I

• Leonardo Cuenca, 24, of Atmore, for failure to appear

• Justin T. Payne, 22, of Brewton, for attempting to elude

• Joshua P. Rosicka, 36, of Brewton, for revocation of bond

• Jason A Nelson, 40, of Brewton, for financial exploit of the elderly

• Melissa D. Stoker, 37, of Atmore, for endangering the welfare of a child and human trafficking I

• Mary L. Daw, 66, of Atmore, for promoting prostitution I, human trafficking I and rape I

• Charles C. Stacey, 87, of Atmore, for promoting prostitution I, human trafficking I, rape I and enticing a child

• Edwin S. Bartley, 39, of Atmore, for probation violation

• Karen E. Nelson, 47, of East Brewton, for elderly abuse/neglect II, financial exploitation of elderly person, forgery III and possession of forged instrument I

• Ricardo G. Fisher, 53, of Atmore, for bench warrant

• Bethanie C. Ward, 40, of Flomaton, for unlawful possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia

• Ricky Roberson, 54, of Brewton, for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.