Council approves pool bid, cars lease
Published 12:04 am Wednesday, September 12, 2018
The Atmore City Council approved a state bid lease purchase program for five police cars and a Houston Avery pool bid at its meeting on Monday night.
The police car bid program allows the city to enter into an agreement, which gives it the opportunity to lease police cars for purchase.
On the pool bid, the council approved a bid of more than $85,000 for repairs to the pool.
In other business, the council:
• approved moving the Halloween trick or treat hours to Tues., Oct. 30, from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m.;
• reappointed Rob Faircloth to the utility board;
• heard from the Rev. Jamal Finkley on the Next Generation Movement for Peace and Nonviolence. , Finkley, the international executive director, spoke to the council about the Montgomery-based organization. The mission is to mobilize individuals, institutions and resources to ensure that 12 million or more children and youth are resolved to remaining free of drugs, guns, violence, crime and imprisonments.
• and went into executive session to discuss the good name and character of an employee.