Conservative policies are working
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 24, 2018
By Rep. Bradley Byrne
Rarely in today’s world of instant communication and “the loudest voice wins” politics do we hear positive stories in the news cycle. Now, though, I would like to draw attention to a story that has proven to be good news, but has, for the most part, not received the coverage it deserves: conservative policies are working.
In the past two years, the Republican-controlled Congress has passed over 1,000 bills out of the House of Representatives, and almost 250 of them were signed into law by President Donald Trump. That’s roughly 28 percent more bills that have passed out of the House than in years past.
With the bills that have been signed into law, we have funded around 75 percent of the government on time for the first time in a decade. About 80 percent of the bills passed have been through bipartisan efforts, and 100 percent of the bills are pro-growth, pro-defense and pro-America legislation.
Part of our pro-America agenda has focused on preparing our students to enter the workforce with the necessary skills they need to thrive in today’s job market. One of the most prevalent myths in society today is that students must have a four-year degree to succeed. That’s just not true.
Thanks to bipartisan reforms to our career/technical education programs, we can give students a stepping stool directly into jobs after graduation or into post-secondary education programs centered around tangible skills and real-world careers.
Thanks to legislation like last year’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, we are seeing confidence in our economy soar to record levels. Small business satisfaction and job openings are both at all-time highs, and our unemployment rate has dropped to the lowest level in nearly 50 years. Right here in Alabama, we are experiencing record low unemployment and more Alabamians are working than at any point in our state’s history.
We have fully funded the military to help rebuild our forces after cuts under President Obama. Our servicemen and women will receive the largest pay raise in nine years, better taking care of those who protect us. And, these funds will equip them with newer and improved systems so they can better execute the mission of keeping Americans safe both at home and abroad.
We have passed legislation to take better care of our veterans as well. Service to our nation doesn’t end when the uniform comes off, and our veterans deserve to have the benefits they earned.
Improvements to the Veterans Choice Program will allow veterans to better access the health care they need at a convenience they deserve. Additionally, changes to the GI Bill will allow education benefits to better work for both veterans and their families.
We have also made progress on improving our nation’s infrastructure. Landmark legislation will make it easier to improve our waterways, ports, and airports. Right here at home, we are closer than ever before to building the I-10 Bridge and completing improvements to the Port of Mobile.
Even with all the above accomplishments, there is still much work to be done.
For example, securing our border for the future is a must to ensure American safety and protect our assets here at home. That’s why I have proposed the 50 Votes for the Wall Act, an innovative solution to fund the border wall and overcome Democrat obstruction in the Senate.
While there are still challenges ahead, there is no doubt that with conservative policies the American people are better off now and getting stronger for tomorrow. As long as I serve in Washington, I will always support policies that put Americans first and work for a stronger future for all of Alabama.
U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne represents the 1st Congressional District of Alabama, which includes Escambia County.