City authorized to purchase property on Trammell Street for drainage project

Published 5:10 pm Monday, October 28, 2024

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The Atmore City Council on Monday adopted a resolution authorizing the purchase of property from a resident to help with a drainage project.

The resolution was 2024-23, authorizing the purchase of property from Randy Nichols, a local certified public accountant. The purpose for the purchase is for a drainage project.

City Code Enforcement Officer Greg Vaughn said there’s an underground ditch that runs from Trammell Street to Carney Street.

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On Trammell Street, the location is approximately across the street from Gregg’s Salon,” Vaughn said. “On Carney Street, there’s a bridge, or what I call a bridge. There have been some issues discovered with that ditch. The buildings are sinking. There’s evidence there are some issues with that ditch. You can’t do anything with the ditch with the building in place.”

Vaughn said the building currently sitting over the ditch is boarded up, and is in an L-shaped pattern.

In other business, the city:

  • approved a request from DeJuan Knight from Bethany SOA Church for the use of the Boxcar for a revival in November and December; and,
  • approved a request from Main Street Atmore to move forward with restoration ideas for the alleyway on North Main Street.

Executive Director Shinora Redmond said Main Street Atmore is paying for all of the revisions, which include keeping the train pictures and sprucing up the frames; a rain collection device; a possible hummingbird feeder; large planters; restoration of the artwork of the history of Atmore; and the addition of new benches.

Redmond said the benches were donated by Ann Gordon, and the local organization acquired a couple of grants to help pay for the renovations.

Additionally, City Economic and Grants Writer Chris Walker provided updates on recent grants and the status of current projects.

The projects include:

  • Ross Road drainage and resurfacing project – Walker said the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development funded the $580,910 grant award through Rep. Jerry Carl. The environmental review is ongoing with the consulting services of Goodwin, Mills and Cawood, and once completed, the city will sign the grand award and set up an account for funding, according to a presentation;
  • City parks and farmers market signage upgrade – Walker said the city was awarded $10,845 from the Gulf Coast RC&D in September, and the money will go toward replacing/upgrading signs with metal and a clear coat. EscoFab will pre-fab the posts and hardware, and Landis Design will produce the signage. The public works department will install the signs;
  • EV charging station installation project – A grant application for $195,000 was submitted on Sept. 24, 2024 for the installation of Level 2 electric vehicle infrastructure to the State-funded Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Grant Program. The grant awards will be notified 90 days from the application date. Additionally, the city applied and received Alabama Power Co.’s Make Ready application for $8,000 to assist in covering equipment costs. The installation of two charging ports will be competed at Boxcar Willie. The charging stations will take up four parking spaces in the southwest corner of the lot. Walker said the charging stations will not be for golf carts;
  • Atmore Industrial Park expansion project – Through the SEEDs Act Grant, more than $703,000 in funding was awarded, and the city closed on four parcels of land totaling $1,054,343 in May 2024. The city funded the shortfall, and the property acquisition allows for the Alabama Department of Commerce to market the sit as 180 contiguous acres to potential companies. The site has power, water, sewer, gas and telecommunications in place as well as two city-owned rail spurs. Additionally, the city acquired through Sen. Greg Albritton, $700,000 in funding. Approximately $500,000 will go toward the shortfall of the Ross Road project, and the remainder will go toward Trammell Street drainage improvements; and,
  • Trammell Street drainage project – The project will be funding partially by the funds from the state’s FY2025 Appropriations granted by Gov. Kay Ivey and the Alabama legislature through Albritton. The funds are for infrastructure upgrades.