ECBOE approves contract agreements, school projects during regular meeting

Published 9:33 am Tuesday, January 28, 2025

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The Escambia County Board of Education on Monday approved contract agreements and school projects during its regular meeting at Atmore Central Office.

The board approved the following action items:

  • approved the amendment of the fiscal year 2025 salary schedule supplements;
  • approved to contract with Phoenix Restoration Services Inc. for the removal and disposal of 42 windows at A.C. Moore Primary School, and the installation of plywood in the amount of $19,134, to be paid out of FY24 A&T funds;
  • approved to contract with Dave’s Construction and Remodeling for installation of new windows, siding and drywall at A.C. Moore Primary School in the amount of $29,350, to be paid out of FY24 A&T funds;
  • approved to purchase AED units and supplies from GoRescue in the amount of $22,354, to be paid from AEDs in Schools fund 1417;
  • approved to contract with Frontline Education for absence and substitute management in the amount of $33,867.78, effective Feb. 1, 2025 through Sept. 30, 2026;
  • approved to contract with KAM Technologies for the network re-wire project at Flomaton High School/Middle School building in the amount of $33,305, to be paid out of FY24 A&T funds;
  • approved to purchase bleachers for Escambia County High School gymnasium from RPA Inc. in the amount of $163,938.46, to be paid out of FY24 A&T funds;
  • approved to contract with Construction Managers LLC for $54,260 for the purchase and installation of new drop ceiling for the FMS re-roof project, to be paid out of FY24 A&T funds;
  • approved to purchase bleachers for FHS stadium from the Park Catalog in the amount of $127,370, to be paid out of FY24 A&T funds;
  • approved to purchase JAG 5 station portable restroom trailer from Boyett’s Portable Restrooms for $42,000, to be paid out of FY24 A&T funds;
  • approved to accept a bid from Walker Construction for the ECHS concessions and restrooms on the home side of the stadium in the amount of $637,000; and accepted the change order for $48,500 for a new price of $589,000, plus up to 10 percent owner value engineering savings, to be paid out of FY24 A&T funds;
  • approved of owner/architect agreement between ECSS and Ward Scott Morris Architecture Inc. for W.S. Neal High School concessions and press box on the softball field;
  • approved of contract with Spero Behavioral Coaching and Supports LLC for 150 hours at $150 per hour to provide classroom behavioral management training supports and professional development, to be paid from Title II;
  • approved the addition of Central Office bookkeeper position and for the position to be added to the FY2025 salary schedule to be paid on the classified CNB01 pay scale;
  • approved to purchase 60 Viewsonic Interactive Boards, install included, from Howard Computers for $194,974.50, to be paid out of Lieutenant Governor’s Grant; and,
  • approved to contract with Construction Managers LLC for the repair of soffit and eaves at Rachel Patterson Elementary School in the amount of $48,812.40, to be paid out of FY24 A&T funds.

In other business, the board recognized Tyler Parker, the Escambia County secondary teacher of the year; and Kimberly Hester, the Escambia County elementary teacher of the year.

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Parker teaches at Pollard McCall Junior High School, and Hester teaches at Flomaton Elementary School.

Additionally, the board met in executive session for 1 hour, and 14 minutes to discuss pending litigation and potential litigation with co-counsel.

Out of the executive session, the board approved the releasing of all scholarship funds from the ECBOE and ECHS to the Randell Gordon Nichols Jr. Memorial Scholarship fund.