Tropical Storm Alex headed west
Published 9:45 pm Monday, June 28, 2010
David Adams knows it only takes one storm to leave a town devastated. Tropical Storm Alex appears to be headed for Mexico or Texas, but Adams said storm watchers and weather officials are keeping an eye on the approaching storm.
“All of the models for this storm show it going in somewhere around northeast Mexico or southeast Texas,” Adams said. “It is still a ways out in the Gulf so we’re just monitoring the situation at this point. Right now, our area isn’t even in the perimeters of any danger from this storm.”
Although the storm doesn’t appear to be a threat to our general area, Adams said being prepared is more than just a good idea.
“We are in storm season now,” Adams said. “This is the first one and it looks like we won’t be in any danger this time. But, the next one could be ours. The time to prepare for the next one is now. Being prepared in the event of a serious storm coming in is one sure way to ensure survival.”
Survival can be shaky if storms with the fury of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Ivan or Hurricane Camille were to make it into the Gulf Coast, Adams said.
“We want people to be vigilant and be prepared for any storm,” Adams said. “It’s important to know that you never know what a storm will do when it’s in the warm waters of the Gulf. Being prepared and ready for the disasters that come with a storm is a way to be safe and survive what damage may come.”
Even though Alex hasn’t quite gotten to hurricane strength, Adams said a lot could change in a relatively short amount of time.
“The nature of a storm can change quickly as it develops and moves,” Adams said. “We never discount the strength or movement of a storm until it makes it onto shore. We will certainly watch this one just like we’ll watch the next one and the one after that.”
For more detailed information on Tropical Storm Alex including updated forecasts and satellite images, visit the National Hurricane Center at