Oil company plans 640-acre site
Published 5:01 pm Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Riding the success of four producing oil wells, including a well brought last week, Big Escambia Creek is reviving drilling operations.
Regarded as one of the area’s original and most prolific oil fields, a new permit was issued there this week.
Escambia Operating Co. LLC will drill a 640-acre St. Regis site beginning in the next couple of weeks. Permitted July 7, the well will be drilled into the Smackover at 16,000 feet.
Researching the success of these new discoveries, it has been learned that numerous leases are on the horizon and former drilling sites are being revisited. In fact, this section of the state is quickly becoming one of Alabama’s more popular drilling locations.
Just last month, the Huxford area has become a “hotspot.” Renaissance Petroleum Company is drilling near permit depth on the Huxford 18-2 unit. An earlier drilling attempt at the location proved futile two months ago, but drilling is going forward on the current unit.
The state Gas and Oil Board has named Escambia County’s new field “The Huxford Field.” This includes the producing wells on Mason Properties, State properties and Chunn properties.
It was not clear if two other new producers, Mack1-1 near McCullough and Booneville are included in the new field.
Midroc Operating Company is also drilling two wells in Cedar Creek Field near the north Escambia-Conecuh county areas.
One other drilling site has been staked out just across county lines in Monroe County. Pruitt Production Company is clearing location for its Casey 4-8 unit at 1774’FNL & 960’ S4, T5N, R7E. Permit depth on this well is 13,500 feet. Pruitt recently brought in the Chunn well on Butler Street.
Drillers tell The Advance increased leasing can be expected from McCullough through Huxford, Butler Street, Wayside, State lands all the way to southwestern Conecuh County. This is evident now as most of these wells have somewhat followed that path, especially the producing wells. Drilling activity has also increased near the Escambia County-Baldwin county line.
Mason Property heirs will also find delight in gas production beginning in their August checks. A Venture spokes lady told The Advance this week that gas is now being processed at this well.
Gas processing is also allegedly reported in the two State Property wells.
As a side note those vast sites filled with oil-related rigs, vehicles and equipment on Hwy. 21 just north of town are not affiliated with the current oil drilling operation. This is a separate operation that is laying a lengthy pipeline cross-country.
Atmore’s merchants, motels, gas stations and restaurants can be proud of the additional business this firm has generated.