Tebow addresses Sav-A-Life supporters
Published 9:20 am Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pam Tebow told Sav-A-Life supporters Monday night about her family’s “God story” — the baby she was advised to abort who grew up to be Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback Tim Tebow.
Tebow was the keynote speaker for Sav-A-Life’s annual fundraiser held at First Baptist Church in Brewton. The organization, which has offices in Brewton and Atmore, is a pro-life resource center that offers counseling services and parenting support.
Tebow said she looks to four tools in life: a master (God), a manual (the Bible), a mindset of serving and a mission.
“Saving babies and saving moms is a good work. This is a manual for that,” she said, holding up a Bible.
Tebow also said that she believes her mission in life has changed in recent years to include pro-life ministry. Her son’s story became national news when he won the Heisman, and both have made the pro-life platform a part of their speaking engagements.
After they began to tell their story, Tebow said she heard several young women tell her that they had changed their minds about abortion.
“I heard that story over and over again,” she said. “I saw that God may have a new mission for me.”
Tebow and her family were living in the Philippines as missionaries when Tebow became pregnant. At her first ultrasound, the doctor told her the baby was just a “mass of tissue” and would either die or would have developmental problems. She was advised to abort the baby, but she chose to go home and wait to see what happened.
Months later, “Timmy,” as his mother calls him, was born, although he was small.
“He didn’t weigh much,” she said. “But people prayed for him, and he became strong.”
Tim Tebow’s story is known to many. As quarterback for the Florida Gators, he led the team to a national championship and was named the Heisman trophy winner. He now plays for the Denver Broncos.
Pam Tebow said she would have given her life for her son.
“God didn’t ask me to do that,” she said. “But the closer we get to our master, he enables us to love one another as God loves us.”
Tebow encouraged attendees to donate to Sav-A-Life, which she said offers the community a way to help young mothers in crisis.
Sav-A-Life director Linda Smith said the organization had 904 client visits in the past year.
“We are touching lives in our own neighborhoods and our own homes and our own schools,” she said. “We are here to champion and celebrate life in every facet.”
Smith said the Sav-A-Life offices offer free, confidential pregnancy tests as well as counseling to deter clients from abortion. But the organization also offers programs to educate young mothers-to-be about pregnancy, child birth and child care. By taking those courses, the mothers can earn “mommy money” to purchase baby supplies in the organization’s store, which is stocked by donations.
The group also does abstinence education for students.
“Optimally, we hope to reach young people before they reach a crisis pregnancy situation,” she said.
Smith said the group hopes to raise enough funds for an ultrasound machine so that the office can transition to a medical clinic.
“We have experienced victories in saving babies and saving their mothers from the trauma of abortion,” Smith said.

Pam Tebow, mother of Heisman quarterback Tim Tebow, speaks to Sav-A-Life supporters Monday.|Photo by LIsa Tindell