Open house to raise money for spay/neuter program
Published 9:23 am Monday, November 29, 2010
LaPetite Maison will be open to the public Dec. 4 for a fundraising event organized by homeowner Vikki Day.
Day said the event will feature a tour of the home on South Main Street and will include an opportunity for tourists to help some furry friends.
“I have been thinking about this for a while now and realized that something needs to be done to promote a spay and neuter program here in Atmore,” Day said. “I have seen so many stray animals around our community that I’d like to do what I can to help control the pet population.”
Day said all funds raised by way of a $10 tour ticket will go toward establishing a spray and neuter program.
“There are a lot of older residents on fixed incomes that just don’t have the funds to pay for having their pets spayed or neutered,” Day said. “All of the funds raised from the tour and lunch will be going toward gettin this much needed program established.”
The tour, which will begin at 11 a.m., will include a complete look at a variety of collections from around the world, Day said.
“I am an art and animal lover and have so many unusual things displayed around the home,” Day said. “People will see antiques, paintings and collections of all kinds from all over the world. I have an authentic German gingerbread village on display and that display will actually be up for sale during the tour.”
In addition to a treat of exploring the home, guests will also have an opportunity to enjoy lunch on the grounds.
“We will be selling lunch as well to those who want to sit and visit for a while,” Day said. “We will have chicken and fresh herb dumpling soup; chicken salad on home baked rolls; and pimento cheese sandwiches, which ar a favorite in the South. We’ll also have a variety of cakes and cookies to choose from during the day. We’ll have fresh fruit cake, of course, Lane cake, caramel cake and we’ll even have a specialty item of lemon cornbread cake with fresh blueberries.”
Day said there will also be a Chinese auction of items under the gazebo tent on the grounds of LaPetite Maison.
“We will have several items available in our Chinese auction,” Day said. “This auction is one where each item will have a fishbowl sitting beside it Those who wish to place a bid on the item can pay $1 to place their bid.”
In addition to items of interest in the Chinese auction, fresh floral arrangements created by a local florist will be on display throughout the home and will be available for bidding.
“We want to give people an opportunity to enjoy the day and take a little something away with them,” Day said. “The floral arrangements can be bid on for a winner.”
As a highlight for the day, John Mascara, a local artist and musician, wil be presenting a special reading of Truman Capote’s “Christmas Memories” from the balcony of Maison.
“This should be a really nice treat for everyone,” Day said. “He is a wonderful artist and will be wonderful for this reading. This should certainly put everyone into the holiday spirit. With everything we have planned, there is sure to be something to please everyone during the days activities.”
The doors of LaPetite Maison will sing open for visitors at 10 a.m. next Saturday and will be open until twilight when the holiday lights will be lit.
For more information about the Fruitcake Festival and Home Tour at LaPetite Maison, contact Day at 368-2150.