Couple publishes book to help spark change
Published 5:24 pm Sunday, January 9, 2011
What started out as a personal challenge just over a year ago has turned into a new way of life for Michael and Nikki Cosey and has created a “real change” in their lives.
That change has opened doors for the couple beyond what they ever could have dreamed including having their first book about weight loss published.
The book, “Real Change,” was published by the couple to offer advice, tips and encouragement for those embarking on a weight-loss journey.
“We started a weight loss plan last year and we have been so successful with getting off the weight,” Michael said. “We began to think about what we could do to help others lose weight and it just seemed natural to put it in writing so that we could share it with everyone who needed some encouragement.”
The book is a self-published guide to the Cosey way of losing weight that has helped the couple lose more than 250 pounds between them.
“Through all of this we have held on to our faith and the commitment to see this through,” Michael said. “What we’ve done can be achieved by anyone. To look at where we were a year ago and where we are now is amazing and it’s a blessing from God.”
Nikki said their plan was simple following sensible eating habits and getting into an exercise routine. She said the plan now is to help others see what can be achieved through commitment and a “real change” in more than just diet.
“We didn’t do anything that anyone else can’t do,” Nikki said. “We cut back on portions, cut back on fats and other foods full of calories. After we had done it for a little while it just seemed like a sensible thing to do. It was a little difficult at first, but it got easier and now it’s just the way we do things.”
Nikki said her hope is the book will be a part of what she and her husband can do to help their fellow man in a hard battle — at the dinner table and in life.
We want to help others as God has helped us,” Nikki said. “We are willing t help anyone that wants our help. All they have to do is just ask.”
Michael’s plan to continue a path of assistance for others is coming to pas as he works to become a personal trainer.
“I want to do everything I can to help other people get to where we are,” Michael said. “We’re not exactly where we’d like to be yet, but we have gotten so far on our own. I know that people say this all the time but, if I can do it, anyone can do it.”
The Cosey’s have also been involved in several appearances at a variety of venues offering words of encouragement to anyone who will listen.
The couple has been featured on Coyote Country 106.3 FM for a radio interview and has spoken at exercise classes and was even asked to speak before a recent walkathon in Pensacola, Fla.
“God has blessed us so much and we are truly thankful,” Nikki said. ‘We are paying it forward by passing along God’s blessings to others.”
Although Nikki and Michael both say a big change in diet and portion-control has made a huge difference in their lives, Nikki said a change in attitude was also necessary to reach their level of success.
“People complain that they can’t lose weight all the time,” Nikki said. “They explain away their reasons for not doing something about it. I’ve got a slogan that I go by and tell others to go by: Don’t complain, don’t explain, just do it!”
Exercising has become an important part of the Cosey family way of life, right down to their children.
“We’ve gotten so involved in exercising and working out that we really miss it when we don’t get to workout,” Michael said. “We’ve got some family that has gotten into a workout routine with us and they are seeing some success in losing weight, too.”
Nikki said she and Michael have been part of several organized events since being noticed for their weight loss success.
“We walked the Mall-to-Mall walk in Pensacola, Fla., this fall for a breast cancer awareness,” Nikki said. “It was about a three mile walk and was one of the first times we’d ever done that kind of thing. It was wonderful. We enjoyed it and have been involved in other walks as well.”
The book, which chronicles the couple’s weight loss and even shows before and after photos, is available from the family at a cost of $6 each.
“We want to help anyone who needs encouragement,” Michael said. “We got encouragement along the way from our family, friends and God. That’s what we want to share. We want people to be successful at this and see where we’ve been and where we’re going. We want them to see that God had a hand in what we’ve been able to accomplish.”
To purchase a copy of the book, “Real Change,” contact Michael or Nikki Cosey at 809-3579 or find them on Facebook.