Brantley’s closing indicative of times
Published 10:16 am Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Last Wednesday marked a sad occasion for an Atmore family — and perhaps should serve as a wake-up call to area residents.
Economic reasons were at the top of the list for why the Brantley family closed the doors of their longtime tire and service center.
Other businesses in the area may also have to make that same decision if attitudes in the community don’t see a shift.
We encourage residents to consider options for purchasing goods and services carefully in the future.
Whether it’s the purchase of a new tire or a new purse or shirt, we hope residents give top consideration to locally-owned businesses.
Mary Emma Brantley asked Atmore residents not to take local merchants for granted. Her plea is echoed by many other business owners and leaders in our community.
When businesses fail to hear the registers ring, they lose revenue; they could be forced to cut jobs, which means we as customers often lose the personal service that makes locally-owned businesses unique. And when businesses close or lose sales, the city itself loses tax revenue.
Those losses can put a damper on the spirits of many people in the community — including the remaining business owners. There are many ways to turn the spiral downward of the community around — but it will mean a change for everyone.
As you consider items to purchase with hard-earned money, please remember these points:
• Local business owners shop locally at grocery stores, clothing stores, gas stations, and other retail locations. If you don’t put money in their pockets, they can’t support other businesses either.
• Local businesses pay employees. Those employees, in turn, shop at local stores and buy services offered by local businesses.
• When you have an opportunity to buy locally or out of town, consider how much additional money you spend on gas or other unplanned purchases when traveling elsewhere to shop. Chances are the small amount you’d save in making the purchase elsewhere will be eaten up by the cost of the fuel, food and other items to travel to the non-local business.
• When making a local purchase sales tax paid helps to fund city services including police and fire protection and the accessibility of utilities, streets and sanitation services.
We encourage Atmore residents to support Atmore business. Without your support, Atmore may lose what we have come to enjoy — personal service by the people we see each day at church, school, the grocery store or walking along our streets.
By supporting local businesses, we support each other.