Boys State reps visit city council
Published 9:48 am Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Boys State Candidates include, front row, from left, Austin Albritton, Dillon Anderson, Hunter Bates, Andre Brown, Aaron Miller, Joel Wetzell and Sawyer Hudson. Back row, councilman John Garrard, Legion coordinator Noah McBride, Mayor Howard Shell, Legion Commander Ted Presley and Roger Presley.|Photo by Adam Prestridge
Boys State Candidates sat in on the Atmore city council meeting Monday to get better versed in city government.
Among the candidates were Northview’s Austin Albritton and Joel Wetzell, Escambia Academy’s Dillon Anderson and Hunter Bates, ECHS’s Andre Brown and Aaron Miller and Jay High’s Sawyer Hudson.
“These are the best of the best,” Legion Boys State coordinator Noah McBride said. “Their GPAs are 3.2 at the bottom end up to 4.0 in addition to their community service.”
The students were selected as representatives by teachers, counselors and principals of local schools. Boys State is designed to groom high schoolers in the art of performing state and federal governmental duties. The representatives will compete for scholarships this summer in Tuscaloosa and Tallahassee.
In other business, the council:
• OK’d the ABC Board’s request for location change of Sabor A Mexico from 1520 S. Main St. to 300 E. Church St.
• Renewed the city’s Pre-Event Disaster Debris Management Contract with Crowder Gulf for three years.