Southern Pine assists Sand Mountain
Published 5:38 pm Thursday, May 5, 2011

Southern Pine Electric Co-op linemen Tracy Emmons, Ricky Quates, Matt Barrentine, Grayson Peters and Brad Harris prepare to leave for hard hit Sand Mountain Electric Co-op. Not pictured, but also heading to the area to assist are Norris Brooks and John McGinite.|Submitted Photo
On Tuesday, May 3, Southern Pine Electric Cooperative sent another electric line crew to relieve earlier crews sent to assist its sister cooperative Sand Mountain Electric Co-op in Rainsville, Ala. Sand Mountain Electric was hard hit Wednesday, April 27, by devastating tornadoes that moved across the state of Alabama. Southern Pine crews have been in the area since Thursday, April 28 and it is expected that the co-op will continue to send crews to the Sand Mountain area for a period of time until assistance is no longer needed.
Sand Mountain serves approximately 25,000 residential households and 5,800 businesses and industries in portions of DeKalb, Jackson and Marshall counties.
Seven Southern Pine linemen were dispatched on May 3 to relieve the eight sent last week to assist in the restoration effort at Sand Mountain Electric. The linemen sent this week include: Tracy Emmons, Matt Barrentine, Brad Harris, Ricky Quates and Grayson Peters of the Brewton office; Norris Brooks from the Atmore office; and John McGinitie of the Southern Pine’s Evergreen office. Southern Pine is gratified to be able to assist in the massive restoration effort currently taking place over much of our state.
Southern Pine Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy® Co-op, serves over 20,000 accounts in portions of Baldwin, Conecuh, Covington, Escambia and Monroe counties in Alabama. Southern Pine E. C. is headquartered in Brewton, Ala., with district offices in Atmore, Evergreen and Frisco City.