Area pre-schoolers enjoy Early Literacy Fun Day
Published 9:17 am Monday, May 16, 2011

A group of children spent part of May 4 making flower pots to give their mothers for Mother’s Day. Pictured are, left to right, Marleigh Loper (First Baptist), Kaylen Fore (First Baptist), River Ramer (Fred McGhee Learning Center), Jayla Sells (Fred McGhee Learning Center) and Ava Gurganus (First Baptist Church).|Photo by Lydia Grimes
Every spring, children in the Atmore and Poarch areas are treated to a fun day event at Poarch at the Family Services Auditorium at Poarch.
Sandy Hollinger, Community Services specialist at Poarch, said they have two events each year, one in the spring and one in the fall, which are funded by a childcare grant.
“Today (May 4) we had the 2011 Early Literacy Fun Day event and in the fall our program will be about safety,” Hollinger said. “We had arts and crafts, story-telling, and singing. Children from Fred L. McGhee Learning Center and First Baptist Church Atmore, along with pre-schoolers from Munchkinland were at Poarch from 9 a.m. until noon and ended their day with a lunch of pizza and Rice Krispie treats.”
Allison Goff, with Early Childhood Directions from Mobile, also had a group there to keep the children, not only entertained, but to learn something as well.
“We provide training for childcare programs and are a resource and referral agency for seven counties in this part of the state,” Goff said. “The children had a good time making flower pots to give their mothers for Mother’s Day on Sunday.”
One of the most entertaining features for the children was the singing and dancing, led by Alex Alvarez. Alvarez taught the kids how to pronounce the Creek words to the Hokey Pokey. Parents may wonder what their children are singing for a while, but all of the kids seemed to really enjoy the learning.