Forestry service issues fire closures
Published 8:50 am Monday, June 13, 2011
Even with a few showers in the area of the last couple of days, the danger of fire destroying timber and property across the state is still high.
With fire danger being at a high level, the USDA Forest Service has issued a fire closure across the state in regard to national forests. The areas included in the closure are Bankhead, Conceuch, Talladega and Tuskegee.
Information released b the Forest Service, Alabama is experiencing a severe drying condition and the fire danger remains extremely high.
Forest Supervisor Steve Lohr said dry conditions increase the chance of intensity of a wildfire. A build-up of fuels such as dead trees and brush, when combined with drought, causes a tinderbox, he said.
“This fire season is expected to become longer and more difficult; so teamwork is essential in preventing wildfires and improving the safety of public firefighters,” Lohr said.
The moisture content of living and dead plants are so low, that any spark, ember, or other ignition sources that touch these plants is virtually certain to ignite and unwanted wildland fire.
This fire season is expected to become longer and more difficult; so teamwork is essential in preventing wildfires and improving the safety of the public and firefighters,” Lohr said.
Forest visitors can help prevent wildfires by checking spark arrestors on off-road vehicles and other equipment with internal-combustion engines to ensure they are in working order.
Drivers in the forest should stay on designated roads and never park on dry brush or grass, to avoid risk of starting a fire.
Check fire restrictions and alerts by visiting us online at, control campfires that are built in designated fire rings by making sure they are out and crushing cigarettes in ashtrays.