YLA packets now available

Published 3:48 pm Monday, August 15, 2011

Packets are now available for high school juniors from Atmore Christian School, Escambia Academy, Escambia County High School, Northview High School and those home-schooled students interested in applying for the 2011-12 Youth Leadership Atmore Program. Completed applications, signed by parents and school officials, must be turned into the Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 6.

This youth leadership program, now in its 17th year, begins in October with an overnight retreat at Camp Beckwith on Weeks Bay in Fairhope. Then from November through April, the class is involved in a series of interactive, hands-on activities, which take place one day each month. Participants have the opportunity to meet community and state leaders, visit major businesses, government offices, a college campus and healthcare facilities while learning first-hand how our community works and how youth leadership can make a difference. Also, class members will be given the opportunity to learn and practice skills needed for future job interviews and meetings. They will also be given personal banking & credit advice.

For more information contact the Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce at 368-3305.

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