Girls, Boys State reps recognized

Published 8:58 pm Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Boys and Girls State representatives attended a reception in their honor Tuesday night at the American Legion building. Pictured are, from left, Sawyer Hudson, Aaron Miller, Jenna Brown, Austin Albritton, Jamicka North, Dillon Anderson, Andre Brown and Hunter Bates. Not pictured is Elizabeth Wright and Joel Wetzell.

Atmore area high school juniors chosen for the 2011 Boys State and Girls State classes were honored Tuesday night during a reception held by the American Legion at their post 90 location on Main St.

Following a meal, each of the representatives spoke briefly about their time in the program and, specifically, their experiences during a summertime program during which the students learned about patriotism, teamwork and how local, state and federal government operates.

Representing Atmore area schools this year were: Jamicka North, Escambia County High School; Jenna Brown, Escambia Academy; Elizabeth Wright, Northview High School; Austin Albritton, Northview High School; Dillon Anderson, Escambia Academy; Hunter Bates, Escambia Academy; Andre Brown, Escambia County High School; Aaron Miller, Escambia County High School; Joel Wetzell, Northview High School; Sawyer Hudson, Jay High School.

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Boys and Girls State was begun in the 1930s by the American Legion as a way to groom young men and women for future leadership roles in American society. The programs objectives include:

  • Developing civic leadership and pride in American citizenship.
  • Arousing a keen interest in the detailed study of the American government.
  • Developing an understanding of American traditions and belief in the United States of America.
  • Arousing in the young citizen a determination to maintain the American form of government.
  • To instill a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation.
  • To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy.