Rotary Club donates dictionaries
Published 2:04 pm Thursday, October 20, 2011

Atmore Rotary Club President Lisa Reynolds helps EA third grader Lilli Bonner with her new dictionary as Rotarian Sharon Smith speaks to the class.
The Atmore Rotary Club is once again defining service and generosity through their actions. Members will be distributing free dictionaries to elementary school students in the Atmore area over the next several weeks.
The effort is part of the club’s annual project, aimed at equipping students with personal dictionaries they may take home at the end of the school day.
Thursday afternoon, Atmore Rotary Club President Lisa Reynolds and Rotarian Sharon Smith visited Martha Walker’s third grade class at Escambia Academy. Reynolds and Smith spent time with the students explaining the purpose of the Rotary Club and looking up words like service, community and civic.
The visiting Rotarians also distributed an Atmore Rotary Club sticker to each student to be placed on the inside covers of the dictionaries. Each sticker provides the student a place to write his or her name, and lists the club’s Four-Way Test of things to think, say or do, which include:
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Rotary Club members will continue donating dictionaries Thursday, Oct. 27 at Huxford Elementary School.