Spring weather can be a burden for some
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, April 4, 2012
How many times have you heard someone say “my, isn’t this a beautiful day?”
Perhaps a bright sunny day with warm temperatures could be described this way.
But, for those who suffer sneezing and allergies it is anything but a glorious day. And, this time of the year the air is filled with these uncomfortable conditions. Pollen and leaf mold are not only found outdoors but indoors, too. You say I’ll get under the cover and protect myself. Well, researchers tell us this won’t work because allergy conditions get into your bedding too.
So what are you going to do about it?
Those same researchers say wash bed covering regularly and keep doors and windows tightly closed. You may want to invest in a $499 air purifier. That’s what I did. There are a few household sprays known to help keep these particles out of you home. And you know these things have really helped alleviate my watery and sneezing conditions. This does not completely rectify the problem but it sure does help. Some folks wear masks which they say help them.
Just try to hang in there until these pecan trees finish their blooming. After their blooming is completed this medical sources say things should get a lot better
You probably know someone who was forced to move to a drier climate because of severe allergies. I was acquainted with a man who was a long time resident of Monroe County who had to make that move. I am sure it was very hard on him to take up residence out west. I never heard anything from him after he left several, several years ago.
Another medical story on the internet caught my eye this week. A Canadian website predicts heart attacks can be prevented by an injection or nasal spray. While this cure is projected five years from now the article revealed that” scientist have discovered a drug that stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies which prevent heart disease by stopping fat building up in the arteries.”
The article goes on to say “the vaccine can cut the buildup in arteries by up to 70 percent.”
Professor Peter Weisberg, the British Heart Foundation medical director, said the vaccine was “very promising”.
Some friends tell me they spend their afternoon watching those 1950-1970 TV shows. Because some of my column today depicts people and events from 1978 I was surprised to learn that several of those actors that my friends are watching passed away in 1978.
Hogan’s Hero star Bob Crane was found murdered at the age of 59. Carl Betz, Alex Stone on the Donna Reed Show died at age 67. Chill Wills, the deep voiced actor who provided the voice of Francis The Talking Mule died at 75. Carl Swenson of Little House on The Prairie passed away at age 70. Will Geer died at age 75. He played the role of Grandpa on The Waltons.
Other notable deaths that year were Peggy Wood,an actress on Mama. Grand Ole Opry star Maybelle Carter of the famous Carter Family died at 69.
Taking a look at some local and area news from our yesteryears Piggy Wiggly advertised ground beef 89 cents a pound, sugar 48 cents for a five pound bag and catsup 10 cents a bottle. IGA ran newspaper ads in the Advance Bacon 89 cents for a one pound package.
Rachael Patterson School sponsored a unique biscuit 4H Contest for fifth graders. The winning biscuit makers were Lisa Reed, Gayle Coleman and Regina Agee.
In 1974 Atmore Baptist Temple had a fun filled hayride. Some of the participants were Rev. C. L. Langford, Jimmy and David Langford, Teresa, Tony and Terry Bolden, David Brown, Debra Barden, Paula Drew, Vickie Black, and James and Tiny Bolton.
Clyde Helton, President of the Escambia County Cattleman” Association, was selected Escambia County beef production chairman.
International Paper Company opened up 41,000 acres of land for hunters. Some acreage had free hunting permits but a few tracts required a fee. Most of the land was located north of I-65.
Gary Flavors, a popular police officer with the city, completed degree requirements at the Bay Minette Police Academy. He was a 1968 graduate of Escambia Training School.
And, finally here are a couple of “Whys”… Why is it that doctors call what they do “Practice?”…Why is that time of day with the slowest traffic called “Rush Hour?”…And, if flying is so safe why do they call the airport the “Terminal?”
Next week we take a look at people, places and events from years gone by.
Lowell McGill can be reached at exam@frontiernet.net