Indian issues continue to pick up steam

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Can you see it now? Just like my nostalgic line used to close my columns each week “…yes, it always whispers to me….those days of long ago…”. Well this line, taken from an old 1950s Billy Vaughn recording, could have deeper meaning in the not too distant future if the Wind Creek Casino is closed down.

Yes, weeds, tall grass and shaggy trees will shroud those graceful thriving motels, restaurants and the casino, the area generally known as Rivercane. Of course this is just my opinion, but talking to friends, especially friends close to the Tribe, my thoughts are echoed. Many believe the Creeks are the anchor of this project. This is not for me to say.

I think the article I wrote last week has generated more comments than any column I have written since 2007. Let me correct that. I know that article has generated more comment since I began writing in 2007. Let me also clear up one other issue. I did not write about your not voting for these politicians. I wrote that several told me they were not voting for them. I did say “venom or joy would accompany many voters in the next county election.”

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Referring to a statement from my column last week a woman asked me “what did you mean when you stated this story has legs?”  I told her it is a story that just won’t die. I explained to her that every newspaper in this county carried a story with a theme “the Tribe vs. local, county and state politicians.” And just this past week I read that “Big” Luther Strange had gotten into the act and Kim Chandler of April 29 wrote he “has asked the federal agency that oversees Indian gambling to take action to prohibit slot machine –like electronic bingo machines at the state’s Indian casinos.”

While I know nothing about the laws governing the gambling operation and I certainly don’t question the integrity of any local, county or state politicians, my only concern is the possible job losses if the Creeks are closed down.  True, based on the feedback from my column last week I get the impression that voters will be hesitant to vote for present politicians who are taking aim at the Creek casino. Coffee shop talk also backs this up.

And now for some news of local interest.

Have you noticed Channel 15 has now joined all the other Mobile TV stations by adding full screen HD newscasts? It really looks nice. You know Channel 15, Channel 5 and Channel 3 are affiliates of NBC, CBS and ABC respectively. Whereas Channel 10 is a Fox affiliate.

And Channel 10 was the first station on the scene. They can boast of being Mobile’s “hometown TV station.” Because of their Fox affiliation Channel 10’s national news bites are regarded as “fair and balanced.” They were here first in the 1940s and early 1950s with radio(WALA) and featured those great sounding announcers, Ross Smitherman, Jim McNamara, Al Holman, Verne Benson and our own late Dr. Dewitt Allen. Those announcers were known for their strong resonant voices.

You may have noticed a different theme in my columns lately. I suppose it is because I am trying to be a little more controversial. That draws comments. But, you will always find my reflecting an underlying nostalgic theme.

Here is one final note of interest to those who suffer from arthritis. In an Internet story out of Pittsburg, Doctors have found a way to treat this disease through the use of ultrasound and a simple injection.

Inflammation is better pinpointed, the treatment has a reasonable price and it is quick. Those wanting more info on this can contact me through my email. This new treatment is in  no way like the treatments we received back in the 1940s. Turpentine and kerosene mixed for a good rub down.

Be back with more next week.

“…yes, it always whispers to me…those days of long ago…..”

Lowell McGill can be reached at