Local church dishes out barbecue
Published 12:14 pm Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Frank Rodrigues chips in making barbecue for the annual Barbecue and Bazaar event at St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church Saturday afternoon.
The 2012 Barbecue and Bazaar at Saint Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church was held Friday and Saturday and church officials said it was a huge success.
“We did really well yesterday,” Betty Chaloux, one of the chairpersons of the event, said on Saturday. “We sold over 750 sandwiches yesterday. We had to cut up 18 more Boston butts today because we ran out. It was an exceptional day yesterday and it seems to be an exceptional day today.”
The busy pace did not slow down on Saturday either, as the church’s property was active with people throughout most of the day.
While barbecue sandwiches were the main draw, there were plenty of other attractions, too. The event also included a silent auction with gift packages and other items, a bake sale with pies and cakes, and arts and crafts, mostly consisting of a wide variety of knitted products.
The success was attributed first and foremost to the members of the Atmore community. Church members said they were grateful for the overwhelming turnout in making the annual event a success this year.
All proceeds from the event will go towards the Saint Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church’s continuing ministries in the City of Atmore and the surrounding areas.