GOP ad ‘hurtful’ to both parties
Published 8:49 am Wednesday, November 14, 2012
There has been finger pointing and comments all over the county stemming from an ad that was placed in The Atmore Advance and The Brewton Standard just three days before the general election.
I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight. It is my opinion and the opinion of most that this ad was not only distasteful, but hurtful to candidates on both sides. This ad was executed by only three or four individuals, without the consent of the candidates.
Negative ads have no place in local elections. Not only is it detrimental to the candidates and their families, but it alienates the citizens of our county. It can turn friends and neighbors against each other and can direct attention away from the issues that are important to the citizens of our county.
When this ad hit the newsstands, neither the Democratic nor the Republican candidates had time to defend themselves.
This type of campaigning may work in the larger cities, but not in a small rural county like Escambia. My goal has always been to serve the residents of this county to the best of my ability and I can assure you, that’s the desire of every Republican and Democratic candidate on the ballot. Candidates are elected by their character, their vision for their community and countess hours of door to door campaigning.
That’s the way it should be and I sincerely hope we have seen the last of these damaging political tactics in Escambia County.
Brandon Smith
Escambia County