A fresh start
Published 8:22 pm Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Atmore YMCA is expecting a rush of new gym memberships as the new year begins, and the Y’s trainer is on hand to help customers meet their new goals. Above, William America works out on a treadmill.
Atmore Area YMCA manager Ross Terry has seen more than a few weight loss New Year’s resolutions crumble.
“We stay jam packed for the first three months of the year,” Terry said. “Then you start to see your regulars again. We probably lose 50 to 60 people.”
Personal trainer Maria Love-Davis said resolutions fail, most often, because people aren’t committed to the lifestyle change necessary to be successful.
“It has to be a lifestyle change,” she said. “It can’t be just come in for a couple of months.”
The lifestyle change includes staying committed to a variety of exercise, but more importantly, requires eating right.
“Eating right is more important than working out,” Love-Davis said. “It’s about 75 to 80 percent of what you need to do.”
While everybody’s different, Love-Davis said those committed to losing weight in the new year should workout at least three times a week and mix up exercises between cardio, strength, stretching and warm up.
The YMCA offers memberships starting at $31 a month for an adult, $36 a month for families and $27 for seniors.
In addition, the facility offers regular fitness classes including basic and advanced aerobics as well as zumba. There is also a silver sneakers program for seniors.
The Atmore Area YMCA is open from 5:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday.s.