WANTED: United Fund in need of ‘jail birds’
Published 12:28 am Saturday, September 7, 2013

Nancy Helton volunteered to spend some time in Atmore Jail Thursday in order to help spread the word about United Fund’s upcoming “Lockup” fundraiser set for October.
Former United Fund President Nancy Helton was “thrown into jail” in Atmore Thursday afternoon on the charge of “helping the community raise money for a good cause.”
Organizers of the Oct. 10 fundraiser, called the “lockup,” are looking to add some cellmates for Helton to help out, said United Fund Secretary Wanda Robbins.
Participants will be taken by police car to City Hall, where they wait for donations until enough money is raised to “post bail.” This year, the organization is looking for $500 per participant, Robbins said.
“We are looking for members from each agency to participate,” she said. “We are also taking volunteers.”
Those willing to participate can email unitedfundofatmore@gmail.com, or call Robbins at (251) 282-7743.
The lockup raised $15,000 for the organization last year.
The United Fund will host its campaign kickoff event from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday at Heritage Park. The event will feature food, fellowship and exhibits from each of the organization’s agencies, Robbins said.
“The community is encouraged to come,” she said. “Anyone with questions can ask the agencies directly.”
The fundraising goal for this year’s campaign is $55,000, which is less than last year, but close to what the organization brought in during the last campaign.
“We didn’t make goal last year,” Robbins said. “We didn’t want to set ourselves up for failure.”
Last week, Alabama Power made the first donation of this year’s campaign with a corporate donation of $1,672. The company gave the same amount last year and was among the top five business donors.
PCI was the biggest sponsor last year, giving $10,000 to the campaign. Masland Carpets/Dixie Group gave $5,000, while Alto Products gave $1,000.
Companies can give one-time, corporate donations, or can set up giving programs through voluntary payroll deduction programs from employees.
Individuals can also donate through the mail at P.O. Box 823 Atmore, AL, 36504.
The United Fund supports the following agencies: Atmore Babe Ruth Baseball, Atmore Cal Ripken Baseball, Atmore Babe Ruth Softball, Atmore Pee Wee Football, Atmore Public Library, Atmore Tee-ball, Coalition for a Healthier Escambia County, Concerned Citizens of Atmore, Council on Aging, Escambia County Cooperative Library System, Friends of Education of Escambia County, Goodwill Easter Seals of the Gulf Coast, Greater Escambia Council for the Arts, Hospitality House Ministry, Sav-A-Life Family Resource Center and The Progressive Civic and Recreational Club.