EA homecoming queen to be crowned Friday
Published 4:03 pm Thursday, October 10, 2013

The 2013 Escambia Academy homecoming court is: senior Payton Snider, front row left; senior Grayson, Emmons, senior Lacie Flowers, senior Sarah Weatherford, sophomore Kennedy McGhee, back row, left; Natalie Lassiter and Bailey Lancaster.
Escambia Academy has named the seven members of its 2013 homecoming court.
There will be four seniors vying to be named homecoming queen at Friday’s homecoming game against South Choctaw. They are Grayson Emmons, Lacie Flowers, Payton Snider and Sarah Weatherford.
The junior maid is Natalie Lassiter, the sophomore maid is Kennedy McGhee and the freshman maid is Bailey Lancaster. The queen will be announced on Friday night at halftime of the game.
The football game and halftime festivities aren’t the only activities happening during homecoming week. Homecoming sponsor Sheliah Sawyer said students are participating for a week of special dress out days, including Tuesday’s pajama day, today’s Duck Dynasty day, Thursday’s class color day and Friday’s EA spirit day.
This year’s spirit day is special, Sawyer said, because partial proceeds from the homecoming shirt students will wear at the end of the week go to fight childhood cancer in the memory of Hudson Steele, a Wilcox Academy student who recently died from brain cancer.
“We’ve been following his battle since he was diagnosed,” Sawyer said of students, faculty and parents at EA. “A lot of the students knew him well because he played sports.”
In addition to dress out days, the junior girls will take on the senior girls in a powder puff football game on Thursday at 2 p.m. EA does not have a homecoming parade.