City to observe POW/MIA Day in September
Published 5:43 pm Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Atmore Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7016 Auxiliary members joined Mayor Jim Staff on Monday as he signed a proclamation declaring the city’s support of POW/MIA Day. Shown are, left to right, Jenny Hutto, Gayle Johnson, Staff, Debbie Thornton and Ginger Stabler.
Atmore Mayor Jim Staff recently signed a proclamation designating Monday, Sept. 19, as National POW/MIA Day.
The city of Atmore will join the rest of the nation in commemorating the special day, which is designed to bring attention to military veterans who were lost during combat or taken in as prisoners of war.
Although no special events are currently scheduled, businesses and residents are encouraged to mark the day by decorating buildings with black-and-white wreaths, ribbons, or balloons.
“There’s no way we can thank our veterans enough, especially those who are missing,” Staff said.
Members of the Atmore Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7016 Auxiliary made the request. Those in attendance included Gayle Johnson, Jenny Hutto, Ginger Stabler and Debbie Thornton.
In other business, the council:
• Publicly congratulated the city’s 10-under Cal Ripken All-Stars for finishing in second place at the state tournament.
• Approved a tax abatement for Alto Products, to allow the company to complete a $2 million expansion project.
Marshall Rogers, executive director of the Escambia County Industrial Development Authority, said the project would be ongoing and will allow the company to add five employees.
The council unanimously approved the abatement, with Chris Harrison abstaining. Harrison explained that he abstained because he does business with Alto Products.
• Re-appointed Rex Rose to the Atmore Public Library board of directors.