Petty speaks at regional florists’ event
Published 11:16 am Wednesday, February 11, 2015
An Atmore businesswoman was one of the featured designers at a regional florists’ convention held in Tallahassee, Fla., in January.
Joyce Petty, the owner of Atmore Florist, attended the Florida State Florists Association’s 2015 mid-season design summit on Jan. 17-18. She was one of the featured designers for the program, and gave a presentation on how to create some of her floral arrangements.
“I designed about 25 floral arrangements for the conference, and gave a speech to give some of the attendees some insight on how they can do something similar,” Petty said.
Petty explained that she and three other featured designers worked Saturday, Jan. 17, to create their arrangements. Then, on Sunday, Jan. 18, the conference was opened to the general public.
Petty won a cash prize for a ladies’ purse that she designed for the conference. The theme was “Decorating Your Sunday Best, Body Flowers,” and she won first place in the competition.