BOE updates nepotism policy
Published 8:35 am Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The Escambia County Board of Education approved changes to its nepotism policy, during Thursday’s regular board meeting.
Superintendent John Knott had initially proposed the changes at the Thursday, June 25, meeting, but it was tabled for 30 days to allow the board time to review the proposal.
The changes were recommended after the state passed a new law in June. That law amends the Code of Alabama to prohibit relatives from being involved in the hiring, supervision or performance evaluation of a school employee.
The proposed policy changes include the following:
• Supervisory relationships — Employment decisions and relationships that violate any provision of state law, including nepotism laws, are prohibited. No employee may be assigned to a work location or to a position in which the employee would report to, be evaluated by, or would work under the immediate supervision of another family member. Any inadvertent employment or assignment of a family member that violates law or this policy must be promptly disclosed to the superintendent upon its discovery, and all involved employees must cooperate in accepting reassignments or taking other measures necessary to correct the violation.
• Employment of family members — Board members, administrators, or supervisors may not use their positions to directly or indirectly seek or secure the employment of any family member.