1st Thanksgiving Pow Wow was great

Published 12:02 am Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My heart started pounding as I got near the Poarch Grounds last Thursday morning.

Leading up to the start of the 45th annual Thanksgiving Pow Wow, I had visions of what it was going to be like.

I was pleasantly surprised.

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As I walked about the grounds while looking at my surroundings, I couldn’t help but notice the many colorful regalia dancers donned. It was quite a site to see.

My first stop was the mound, where the annual princess contest was going to be held.

Each princess competing in different age groups was introduced and waved to the on looking crowd that was packed around the circumference of the small amphitheater.

Once each was introduced, the princesses answered a question — some questions even stumped me — and then waited for the reveal of who would be crowned for the 2015-2016 season.

Before I go any further, just know that I don’t normally eat breakfast in the morning. I usually grab my carafe of coffee and jet out the door for work.

During the princess competition, I started to get real hungry. It didn’t help that many delicious smells were wafting their way toward the mound area.

Leading up to the event, people kept telling me to get the corn, and that it’s pretty tasty.

When the moment arrived, I power walked toward the roasted corn booth and after a $3 purchase, had the cob in my hand.

I quickly downed the corn, which was hot and delicious, and got back to work covering the competition.

Once the winners were announced and I got all of my pictures I needed for the paper, it was time for the main event — the grand entry followed by the dance competitions.

This is when things started getting beautiful for me.

I got caught up in the music, the different colors of the regalia dancers wore and the atmosphere.

I could’ve easily sat and enjoyed the event as it unfolded around me for the rest of the day, but I had to go have Thanksgiving supper with my family.

Walking away after spending the better part of the day at the pow wow, I couldn’t help but smile.

It was thrilling and something that I look forward to next year, only I’ve got to remind myself to eat breakfast first.