Letter to the editor for Wed., Dec. 30, 2015
Published 12:02 am Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Dear Editor:
Citizens of Atmore and surrounding area.
I would like to take this time to share with the citizens of my hometown an act of leadership by example.
This act was over a month ago, and still is in my thoughts.
On Nov. 15, I was traveling to a local store.
As I was approaching Highway 21, headed north, I could see someone in a golf cart. At first, I thought it was one of the city’s employees, working on the landscaping. I made my way over the railroad tracks and spotted a gentleman, picking up trash, while riding in the golf cart. Well, that was a nice gesture, especially, on a Sunday morning. As I got closer, I finally was able to see who this individual was, doing this kind deed.
It was (Atmore) Mayor Jim Staff.
This small act is an example of leadership by example. If all our leaders, from small towns to the highest office, would follow this example, think of the amazing accomplishments that could be achieved.
Donald R. Woods