Nokomis FD using own radio tower
Published 12:01 am Wednesday, January 13, 2016
By Stephanie Nelson
The Brewton Standard
The Nokomis Fire Department is now operating using its own radio tower.
The Escambia County Commission Monday approved transferring the ownership and maintenance of the property to the department.
“The original owners, Range Holdings LLC, wanted to donate the property to the county, who in turn wanted to help the fire department use it to improve communications for their area,” said County Administrator Tony Sanks. “It was something that was done for a great public benefit.”
In other business, the commission:
• approved agreements with the state department of environmental management for clean up work on Chester and Pouncey roads;
• ratified a $500,000 oil and gas trust fund investment with the City of Tuscaloosa general obligation bonds at 1.9 percent interest for a four-year term;
• approved classification for a new community corrections employee. The salary will be covered through the department’s self-generated funds, Sanks said.