Letter to the editor for Wed., July 13, 2016
Published 12:02 am Wednesday, July 13, 2016
An open letter to the citizens of Atmore:
These are trying times in our nation. Many communities have been deeply wounded by a racial divide and by senseless violence.
In Atmore, we are determined to stand together as a community. We have a long tradition of tolerance, respect for each other and respect for our law enforcement officers who every day, put their lives on the line for us. At the same time, we recognize that we all make mistakes. When we do, we need to address these as a community and find ways that we can move forward together.
This Sunday, we will witness and join in a remarkable even organized by leaders throughout the community. At 5:30 p.m., there will be a “peace walk” from city hall to Heritage Park. The theme of this event is one of harmony. We want to send a message to each other and to the rest of the nation that the senseless violence that has plagued others will not be tolerated in Atmore. Our message is simple — respect for each other.
At a time when other communities are divided, in Atmore we want the nation to know that we stand together. I encourage all citizens of Atmore to support and participate in this event.
Respectfully submitted,
Mayor Jim Staff